Page 51 - October 2021 Issue.indd
P. 51

St. Benedict/St Elizabeth Church presents their
                                                                                 52nd Annual
                                                                Christmas Bazaar

                                                                   Friday, November 12    •  5 PM - 8 PM
                                                                  Saturday, November 13  •  8 AM - 2 PM
                                                                 St. Benedict Church Parish Hall
                                                                   408 Central Ave., Ridgely
                                                                       Parish Hall  •  408 Central Ave., Ridgely

                                                                         Variety of Vendors
                                                         Find unique Christmas gifts for family and friends.
                                                                   Delicious Homemade Dinner
                                                                      $15 per person in advance.
            daughter refuses to watch Little Women
            with me since Jo and Teddy don’t end                Two seatings: 5-6:30 pm and 6:30-8 pm
            up together. But in the spirit of Anne            Menu: Choice of 2 main dishes: Chicken Marsala
            Shirley fi nally finding her soulmate in   FRIDAY  (breaded chicken breast with Marsala Wine, Capers, and Mushrooms

            Gilbert, Ella Mae will marry Daniel to       served over Angel Hair Pasta) OR Lasagna with beef or pork,
            satisfy that longing in all our hearts!      homemade tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella & ricotta cheese.
                                                           Both meals served with salad, garlic bread, dessert and
            For personal reasons, this will always        beverages. Purchase tickets after Masses or contact the
            be one of my favorites of the novels         Parish office at 410-634-2253 or
            I’ve written. My hope for readers is that   to purchase tickets. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR
            you will not only learn more about the
            historical time period and old time
            Ridgely, but be inspired to grow from            Variety of Vendors  •  Children’s Activities

            your trials and suffering and never lose          Visit from St. Nick  •  Fresh Vegetable Sale
                                                   SATURDAY  Pulled Pork, Chicken Salad, Hot Dogs, MD Crab Soup,
            hope!                                                     Silent Auction  •  Raffles
                                                         Delicious Homemade Food: Breakfast Sandwiches
                                                                Homemade Soups and Sandwiches

                                                           Chicken Vegetable Soup, Italian Wedding Soup
                                                                Variety of Homemade Baked Goods

                                                  Join us for Christmas Shopping Close to
                           Red Mar                   Home! SHOP SMALL - Support local
                     & Bouregard                            businesses and craftspeople
             Sweet Potatoes

                                                  Wear your ugly sweater, Santa hat,
                    FOR SALE
                                                  jingle bells, Elf shoes or favorite
                   $15 for half bushel            Christmas outfit! Help add to the

                      Denton, MD                  festive-ness of the day and get in
               410-479-2715 or 410-829-2168        the Christstmas spirit!

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