Page 57 - October 2021 Issue.indd
P. 57

to Social Security.  The base amount   but their copayment levels will change
            of the Late Enrollment Penalty can   starting January 1, 2021. Blue notices

            change annually. The penalty for 2021   are re-assignment notices. A CMS Blue
            was 33.6 cents X number of months   notice may inform beneficiaries that

            without coverage. Therefore, if one has   their current Medicare drug plan is
            gone 14 months without creditable   leaving Medicare for the upcoming year
            coverage, 14 months X 33.6= $4.70 per   so they must choose a new one before
            month. Therefore, $4.70 per month   December 31. A CMS blue notice may
            would be added to one’s prescription   also inform non-choosers (plans are   ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY
            drug premium for 2021. Since the   assigned by CMS) that their current
            penalty amount can change annually,   plan’s premium is above the regionally    ĂŝůLJ  ĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ
            the penalty amount tacked onto one’s   assigned maximum for LIS assistance,      RN on Call
            “D” premium can change over time as   so they must join a new plan, or they   ,ŽŵĞ  ŽŽŬĞĚ DĞĂůƐ͕
            well. So, if you do not have creditable   will be assigned a new plan. A blue   ^ŶĂĐŬƐ Θ  ĞǀĞƌĂŐĞƐ
            coverage from another entity, Don’t   notice will be sent out in December, is   >ĂƵŶĚƌLJ Θ ,ŽƵƐĞŬĞĞƉŝŶŐ
            Delay! Call Mary Moran and Enroll   entitled “Reassign Formulary Notice”,    >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚ ƚŽ WƌŽǀŝĚĞ
            during the 2021 Open Enrollment!   and informs those who were reassigned     ĂƌĞ ĨŽƌ >ĞǀĞůƐ ϭ͕Ϯ͕ϯ
                                               new plans which of the part “D” drugs
            Social Security and the Center for   they took in 2021 will be covered by the   DĞŵŽƌLJ  ĂƌĞ
            Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) also   new plan.                           ^ƉĞĐŝĂů  ŝĞƚ Θ  ŝŶŝŶŐ  ƐƐŝƐƚĂŶĐĞ
            spend the fall sending out important                                   WŽƐƚͲƌĞŚĂďŝůŝƚĂƟŽŶ WĂƌƚŶĞƌƐŚŝƉƐ
            Color-coded notices to LIS (Low    Finally, in November CMS will send out   ǁŝƚŚ  ŽĐƚŽƌƐ ĂŶĚ dŚĞƌĂƉŝƐƚƐ
            Income Subsidy) Beneficiaries. Be sure   a tan notice to Extra Help Benefi ciaries   ĂŶĚ ŵƵĐŚ ŵŽƌĞ͘͘͘

            to keep any and all notices you receive   who choose their own drug plan. Th ey
            from these government agencies in   will be advised that their current plan’s
            the event you need more information   premium is changing, and they will     Arcadia of Denton
            or wish to appeal denials or decisions   have to pay the difference if they do   701 S. 5th Ave
            regarding Medicare Savings Programs.   not choose a new $0 premium plan    (Formerly Gables at Caroline)

                                               themselves. This notice should include   Come Home to Arcadia
             By late September, all people who
                                               a list of local plans with $0 premiums
            qualify for Extra Help will receive a
                                               for Full Extra Help recipients. It is best   have zeroed in on you! If you call it,
            notice (called a rider) from their current   to choose next year’s prescription drug
            drug plan stating how much help they   plan yourself. For SHIP assistance,   these highly professional hackers have
            will get toward the 2021 Part “D”                                    learned to continue the con by giving
                                               Call Mary Moran at the above phone   their victim a fake Microsoft  employee
            premium, deductible, and copayments.     numbers to receive help comparing

            The folks who participate in Extra                                   name, and Microsoft badge number to
                                               available plans to best suit your needs   ease your doubts.
            Help and have been selected for review
                                               for 2022!
            should have received an “Income and                                  Stealing people’s fi nancial information
            Resources Summary” sheet from Social   On another note, scammer scum has   and identity is their profession and

            Security. This must be returned in the   fine-tuned their Internet Alarming   they are very good at it. Th e “Microsoft
            postage paid envelope within 30 days   Alerts with multiple POP-UP windows   representative“ will ask if you have used
            to recertify eligibility, or the Extra Help   layered over a background of a very   your phone in public, like a grocery
            coverage will end as of January 1, so   realistic looking Microsoft screen.     store, and state that the bad guys have

            do not dawdle! Return it today! Social   The message screams a warning from   probably hacked into your phone while
            Security will begin mailing out notices   Microsoft  stating that your computer   you used a public wifi system. These
            in November letting people know if they   has alerted Microsoft that it has been   swindlers know the habits of cell phone

            will still qualify for this program in the   infected with a virus and spyware. As   users! To keep you on the phone so
            coming year.                       the noise spikes your blood pressure,   you can’t check on who they are, they
                                               the message warns that if you close the   reassure their Pigeon that they are on a
            If a beneficiary receives a grey notice

                                               page without resolving the issue, access   “secure line” phone number to protect
            in October, stating that they no longer
                                               to your computer will be disabled to   your phone from the hackers who broke
            automatically qualify for Extra Help   prevent further damage to the network
            as of the first of the new year, they   or your computer. Do not call the   into your computer and are listening

            must re-apply using the application                                  in. They will repeat how important it
                                               number on the screen. Microsoft  will   is not to disconnect the call. Th en they
            enclosed with the notice. If one receives
                                               never display a phone number on   reassure you that Microsoft can check

            an orange notice from CMS in October,   your screen. The phone number is the

            it will state that an individual still                               your system to see if it has been hacked
                                               tipoff that crooks are prowling and   and install another layer of protection

            automatically qualifies for extra help,
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