Page 13 - March 2021 Issue.indd
P. 13
more commonly known only because celebrities have shared the girls or women look fine on the outside, so just listen if
that they have it. someone wants to talk.
Common Endometriosis Symptoms: I have also started a Facebook Support Group; Endo Warriors
of the Eastern Shore. Please feel free to join our group and ask
• Infertility
questions or just vent if you need someone who understands
• Painful Menstrual Cycle how you feel and what you are going through. Th is disease
• Painful Intercourse has no cure, only treatments, so we have to fight for education,
awareness and acceptance.
• Irregular Menstrual Cycles
• Painful Bowel Movements I may be 1 in 10 who has endometriosis but I am going to be
the fi rst to help raise awareness on the Eastern Shore to help
• Lower Back Pain as many girls and women as possible.
• Other Intestinal Problems
• Many women with endo also experience diff erent “ Ì AÀÌ ØÀYÌyÌ ØÀÎÌ,k«k»
immune disorders and other health issues.
Calvary Baptist Church
I have become an ambassador for the Endometriosis Associa- Don Reynolds, Pastor
tion so I can help spread awareness and education about this 1120 Market St., Denton • 410-924-6404
horrible disease. If you have any of these symptoms, please talk
to your doctor. If they won’t listen, find another doctor because
10:15 AM Adult Sunday School (led by Dr. Jensen)
you are your best and only advocate.
Teen Class (12-18 yrs.)
I know some of these subjects are hard to talk about but they 11:00 AM Exciting Praise and Worship...with Junior Church (5-11 yrs.)
need to be discussed and they need to be understood better Worship continues inside our sanctuary or outside
in your auto, listening over your radio.
by those suffering and those affected by endometriosis. Most
11 AM worship is also live-streamed on Facebook and recorded on
women don’t want pity. If they decide to talk about it, they just
our website
want understanding and acceptance. It’s not easy to do when COUNTING ON CHRIST IN 2021
T Simple returns
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starting at
$ 89
Individual • Corporate
Business Set-Up • Bookkeeping • Payroll Can be done electronically
wherever you are!
Tax Chicks
410-443-2424 Shannon R. Drinnon
Let us get you on the right track..."
Appointment or Walk-ins Welcome:
Tues-Thur: 10 am - 5 pm; Fri: 10 am - 6 pm;
510 Central Ave., Ridgely, MD
Ridgely Trading Post Bldg. MD Lic #8236
Sat: 10 am - 2 pm; or other times by appointment