Page 10 - March 2021 Issue.indd
P. 10

look. I discovered Mosaics about 8   Joanne’s work is available for sale at the
                                               years ago and have been busy creating   Foundry!
                                               mosaics ever since. I studied mosaics
                                                                                        March Virtual Series
                                               with several well-known mosaic artists;
                                               Kasia Polkowska of Gaithersburg,   Watch for more performances at 1 PM
                                               Laura Rendlen of Maverick Mosaics   on the Caroline County Council of Arts
                                               Art School in Virginia, and locally with   Facebook page and YouTube channel.
                                               Jen Wagner. All these artists can be   Tentatively planned:
                                               found on Facebook! I have worked on
                                                                                  March 6 - Chris Dorr and band
                                               mosaic murals for the Caroline County
                 401 Market Street, Denton                                        March 20 - Irish Step Dancing
                                               Council of Arts and taught Mosaics
                                               to Lockerman Middle School students
              Noon - 5 PM Wednesday – Friday;                                      Second Saturday at the Artsway
                                               and adults at the Foundry in Denton.
                  10 AM - 3 PM Saturday
                                               My mosaics have been shown and sold   March 13 at 1 PM on Facebook
                             Featured Artist   at the Local Port of Art in St. Michaels,   Join Foundry Artist Joanne Gelles on
                                               the Foundry in Denton, and at Ouvert
                                                                                  Saturday, March 13th at 1 pm as she
                                               Gallery in St. Michaels.
                                                                                  demonstrates ways to decorate baskets.
                                               I love mosaics because it is art for   You can register to pick up a free Grab-
                                               everyone. Mosaics can be Modern,   N-Go Kit at the Foundry before March
                            I am originally from
                                               Classic, Folk Art, whatever! Th ere are   12 or supply your own. Kits include a
                            the D.C. suburbs
                                               endless ways to express yourself with   basket and materials to paint a design
            and have lived on the Eastern Shore
                                               Mosaics!! With a basic mosaic project,   on a small wooden cut-out. Th is event
            for almost 25 years. I love the slower
                                               I hope to open a door for others to fi nd   is free and will be available on our
            pace of life here, and the beautiful
                                               self-expression through this amazing   Facebook page or our YouTube channel.
            water views almost everywhere you
                                               art form.
                                                Art Classes and Events
            Monday, March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29;     Foundry Artist Joanne Gelles! In this   that meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday
            4-5:30 PM, Mosaic Club. Open to    two-part class, participants will create an   at The Foundry. Come write, share your

            people who have taken a class or have   original mosaic. In the first class, learn   writing, or just listen! Topic: “Colorful”
            experience working with Mosaics. Work   how to create a design, cut the materials   Free!

            on your own project with guidance from   and glue them down. The second class
                                                                                  Thursday, March 25, 5:15-7:00 PM,
            Foundry Artist Joanne Gelles. Materials   will teach participants how to grout and
                                                                                  Macrame Bracelet class for Beginners:
            are included. $15 per session.     finish the project. The finished proj-
                                                                                  Make a macramé bracelet using special
                                               ect is a 6” by 6” in either a square or
            Saturday, March 6 at 1 PM, Virtual                                    knots and beads to create a unique
                                               circle shape. Class is limited to just four

            Performance: Chris Dorr and band                                      design. This class will be taught online by
                                               adult people. Wearing a mask and social
            perform on our Facebook page and                                      foundry Artist Janice Knauss using the
                                               distancing will be required. $25/CCCA
            YouTube channel. Free!                                                Zoom platform. $15/CCCA Members,
                                               members, $30/non-members and $10
            Tuesday, March 9, 6:30 PM, Write On!   materials fee.
            Write On! is an adult writers group that   Thursday, March 21, 5:15-7:00 PM,   Tuesday, March 30, 6-7 PM, Free Kids’
            meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at Th e   Online Macrame Bracelet for Begin-  Class! Kids will make a radial design

            Foundry. Come write, share your writ-  ners. Make a macrame bracelet using   suitable for framing. This online class
            ing, or just listen! Topic: “Surprise” Free!                          will be taught by Foundry Artist Sharon
                                               special knots with beads to create a   Pahlman using the Zoom platform. Pre-

            Saturday, March 13 at 1 PM, Second   unique design. This class will be taught by   registration is required to get the Zoom
            Saturday: Foundry Artist Joanne    Foundry Artist Janice Knauss using the   link. Free!
            Gelles demonstrates decorating a basket   Zoom platform. CCCA members/$15,
            with a spring theme on our Facebook   non-members/$20. Limited to age 14   For more information and to register
            page and YouTube channel. Registration   through adult. Materials needed: 60   for classes, go online to carolinearts.
            is required to order a basket kit to take   inches of cotton or hemp jewelry cord   org, call 410-479-1009, or email info@
            home. All ages welcome. Free!      for each bracelet, scissors, six to eight Be sure to sign up for
                                               wood beads that cord can fi t through.  the CCCA e-newsletter on our website
            Saturday, March 20, and 27, 2-3:30                                    or ‘like’ us on Facebook or follow us on
            PM, Mosaic Candle Holder. Make a   Tuesday, March 23 at 6:30 PM, Write   Instagram: #carolinearts for the most
            beautiful mosaic candle holder with   On! Write On! is an adult writers group
                                                                                  up-to-date information and news.
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