Page 7 - March 2021 Issue.indd
P. 7

Chrissy Bartz                 FQHCs in the amazing work that the   The programs Bartz oversees in her role
                                               Council is doing,” said Bartz. “School-  as Choptank Health’s Community Based
                  Appointed to                 Based Health Centers—especially in   Programs Director include School-
                 School-Based                  rural settings—give students access to   Based Health Centers, community-
                                               timely medical, dental, and behavioral   based dental services, and migrant
                Health Council                 health care in the place where they   relations.
                                               spend the most time. They also improve

            Choptank Community Health System’s
                                               attendance by limiting the amount of
            Director of Community Based Programs
                                               time students and staff miss from school

            Chrissy Bartz PA-C, MMS has recently
                                               and work by providing the care they
            been appointed by Maryland Governor
                                               need, and then allowing them to return
            Larry Hogan to the Maryland Council
                                               to school as appropriate.”
            on Advancement of School-Based
            Health Centers.                    “Choptank Health is grateful for Chrissy’s
                                               expertise and service representing
            Bartz represents Federally Qualified
                                               the Mid-Shore’s communities,” said
            Health Centers on the Council, and
                                               Choptank Health CEO Sara Rich. “Her
            joins 14 other gubernatorial appointees
                                               service and advocacy will help provide
            led by Council Chair Kate Connor,
                                               access to exceptional, comprehensive
            M.D., MSPH, and Vice-Chair, Patryce
                                               and integrated health care for all.”
            Toye, M.D. Federally Qualifi ed Health
            Centers are community-based health   Bartz is a physician’s assistant certifi ed
            care providers that receive funds from   by the National Commission of
            the U. S. Health Resources & Services   Certification of Physician Assistants,
            Administration’s Health Center Program   which to maintain requires 100 hours
            to provide primary care services in   of continuing medical education every
            underserved areas.                 two years, along with passing a national

                                               recertification exam every six years.
            “I am grateful to represent Choptank
                                                                                 Chrissy Bartz, PA-C, MMS
            Community Health System and other
                                           Welcoming our NEW MASTER TECHNICIAN
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