Page 30 - March 2021 Issue.indd
P. 30

Tips, Classes and
                                         H      ealth       C     orner            Programs to help

                                                                                   you live healthier!

                                                                                    March is National Colorectal
                                               What to do? Coronavirus isn’t         Cancer Awareness Month!
                                               stopping for anyone! Neither are we!
                                                                                  What you need to know about Colon
                                               If you are due for a Clinical Breast Exam,
                Cancer Screening During        Pap test, Mammogram or Colonoscopy,   Cancer
                   the Time of COVID-19        call your primary care provider.  Ask   Risk Factors:
                                               them if they are seeing patients and
            During this very challenging time                                      •  People with a personal and/

                                               what the process is. They are prepared
            of the coronavirus pandemic, we all                                       or family history of polyps or
                                               to see you with Personal Protective
            have second thoughts about doing                                          cancer.
                                               Equipment (PPE) and will certainly ask
            common everyday things like going to                                   •  People over the age of 50 (men
                                               you COVID-19 related questions. Th ey
            the grocery store or a restaurant, but                                    and women have an equal risk).
                                               are following CDC guidelines and want
            what about going to a doctor’s offi  ce
                                               to protect their staff and you as well.  • Those with ulcerative colitis or

            for a routine exam? Many of us have
                                                                                      Crohn’s disease.
            stopped doing tasks that can aff ect our   If you are uninsured/underinsured, are
            health and well-being. It has been over   age 40-65 (for a CBE/Mammogram),   •  People with the genetic
            a year since the coronavirus knowingly   age 21-65 (for a Pap test) or > 50   conditions Hereditary
            appeared in the USA. It is going to be   (younger if symptomatic or family   Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer
            with us for a while.               history for a Colonoscopy to test for   (HNPCC) or Familial
                                               colorectal cancer) and meet state      Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP).

            The percentage of mammograms, Pap   income guidelines, please call Th e
            tests, and Colonoscopies performed by   Caroline County Health Department   •  People with Jewish Eastern
            mid-April of 2020 dropped by > 90%   at 410-479-8080.  We may be able to   European descent and certain
            across the country. Delaying screening   help provide no-cost cancer screening   ethnic groups including African
            until now was understandable, but the   services for you or a loved one!  Americans and Alaskan Natives.
            National Cancer Institute has warned                                  Symptoms:
            that delaying screening due to the   Getting your routine cancer screenings
            pandemic could lead to a sharp increase   will help reduce your stress, give you   Sometimes symptoms don’t appear in
            in deaths from breast and colorectal   peace of mind, and help you to have   early stages of the disease so don’t wait
            cancers in the next 10 years.      some control over your health and   for symptoms before talking to your
                                               well-being during this pandemic!   doctor.
            Delayed screening may = delayed
                                                                                   •  A change in your bowel habits.
            diagnosis = poorer prognosis =
            treatment options that are more                                        •  Rectal bleeding or blood in your
            invasive due to advanced stage of                                         stool.
                                                                                   •  Persistent lower belly pain.
                                                                                   •  Unexplained weight loss.
                                     KEEP THE BEAT                                 •  Other symptoms may include
                                                                                      chronic fatigue or nausea and
                                                                                      vomiting (persistent).
                                     CPR & First Aid Training
                                                                                  What You Can Do:
                                     Training for:  • Boat Captains
                                     • Healthcare  • Coaches...                    •  Get screened at age 50, or
                                     • Daycare    we do them all!                     sooner if you are at higher risk.
             CPR and First Aid                                                        Screening can fi nd precancerous
             valid for 2 years                                                        polyps so they can be removed
                                    410-758-2022                   Quality, fun       before they turn into cancer!
             WE ARE AHA INSTRUCTORS  147 Log Canoe Cir.
                                                                   & aff  ordable
             For upcoming classes:   Stevensville, MD 21666                        •  Get to and maintain a healthy
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