Page 34 - March 2021 Issue.indd
P. 34
Community Calendar FRIDAY, MARCH 5
Friday Nite Dinner at Denton
American Legion Post #29, 9238
MONDAYS SATURDAYS Legion Road. 5-7 PM. $8 with menu
The Ridgely Lions meet on the 2nd The Greensboro Historical Society to be determined. Entertainment is Jeff
and 4th Mondays of each month at the Museum, 104 E. Sunset Ave., is open Washington, 7-10 PM. Info: 410-479-
Ridgely United Methodist Church Social every other Saturday from 10-1. 2708.
Hall at 107 Central Avenue in Ridgely at Presentations to follow every other
6:30 PM. For more info on the Ridgely month. Also open by appointment. Our FRIDAY, MARCH 12
Lions go to or mission is the preservation of our local Friday Nite Dinner at Denton lions club. history and heritage, education and American Legion Post #29, 9238
We are always seeking new members outreach to the greater Greensboro Legion Road, 5-7 PM. Fish & shrimp-
who are interested in serving their community. Stop by to see local artifacts $8 for one/ $12 for both. Entertainment
community. and to learn about Greensboro of olden is KG Band (Classic rock, country, and
blues), 7-10 PM. Info: 410-479-2708.
times. We also look forward to hearing
TUESDAYS your memories of old Greensboro $5 Friday! Drive thru Spaghetti Dinner
Tuesday Bingo at Denton American
and your thoughts on how best to at the Cordova Firehouse from 4-7 PM.
Legion Post 29. 7:30 PM. Snacks at
preserve the history and heritage of Dinner includes spaghetti, sauce and
break and computers available. Info 410
our community. Masks must be worn garlic bread. For more information,
-479- 2708.
and social distancing observed. call Jeanne at 410-829-7214 or Kate
FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS 443-262-6615.
Preston Historical Society is closed
Federalsburg Museum, located at 100
for the winter and will resume Saturday MONDAY, MARCH 15
Covey & Williams Alley in Federalsburg,
hours on April 3, 2021. For more Preston Historical Society will host its
will be open 10 AM to 2 PM on Fridays
information on the museum and its first membership meeting of 2021, at
and Saturdays. There are several new
upcoming reopening and events visit 7 PM at the Preston Historical Society
exhibits open. The amazing exhibit of, Museum, 167 Main Street, Preston.
a reconstructed doctors office is the
Facebook at “Preston Historical Society,” Information will be shared about plans
one we are most proud of, it is the offi ce or call 410-943-1891. for 2021, including its New To You
of Dr. Noble whose house was built in Treasures Rummage Sale on April 30
1810 and stood on the North corner SECOND SATURDAYS and May 1. The meeting will be followed
of Maple Ave. and S. Main St. Contact: Giving Grace Food Pantry at Trinity by an airing of the video recording of the
443-434-3114. United Methodist Church, Goldsboro. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter
Food available from 7 AM until. For
648 Round Table Ceremony conducted
more information, call 302-270-1948.
at PHS in November of 2020, honoring
those who gave the ultimate sacrifi ce.
The public is invited to attend. For more
information call 410-943-1891 or visit
The Community Club of Preston will
holds its monthly meeting at Noon,
via Zoom. Guest presentation will be
provided by the Caroline YMCA. For
more information on the club and the
meeting, please call 410-673-1119 or
visit Facebook at “Community Club of
Preston, Maryland.”
Please Join Us the First and Third Sundays
of every Month for Worship & Fellowship
Friday Nite Dinner at Denton
at 9:30 AM in the Talbot Evangelistic Church
American Legion Post #29, 9238
South Hall, 6099 Ocean Gateway, Trappe, MD Legion Road, 5-7 PM. SAL serving
For more information: Corned Beef, Cabbage, and Potatoes. $8. Entertainment is Karaoke with Linda
Webb, 7-10 PM. Info: 410-479-2708.