Page 36 - March 2021 Issue.indd
P. 36

Recreation & Parks                Start Your Engines!               wheels to understand how they stay
                                               With Fitness Rotation             on the track, as well as discover how
            We are excited for our March Programs.     Ready, set, LEGO!  In this hands-on   magnets function on a maglev train.

            Class sizes will still be smaller as we   experience, participants will design and   They will make and take home a simple
            continue to follow safety guidelines, so   construct a LEGO car, as well as modify   model of a maglev train.
            space is very limited.  We’re also building   and test multiple design features. Th ey   March 2 and 4, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM,
            in additional time for our instructors   will explore the relationship between   St. Luke’s United Methodist Church,
            to clean and disinfect prior to and   design and performance and take home   Denton, $39.
            following classes.  Listed information is   the model they create during their fi nal
            subject to change.                 building challenge.               Totally Gross Science! With Fitness
                                               March  6 and 13, 9:30 AM – Noon or 1:30
                                                                                 Get ready to be totally grossed out as
                                               PM – 4:00 PM, Fretterd Community
                                                                                 you discover some of the unsavory
                                               Center, $49.
                                                                                 mysteries of the human body and

            These 2-class workshops for elementary   All Aboard! With Fitness Rotation  nauseating things about animals.
            age children (ages 5-11) will include   Trains have transported people and   Hold onto your stomach and prepare
            hands-on STEM activities as well as   cargo around the world for hundreds   to explore, examine, and dissect the
            a 60-minute (weekend) or 30-minute   of years.  Participants will explore   revolting, unappetizing and foul.  Th is

            (weeknight) fitness rotation featuring   several scientific innovations that have   is a stomach-churning, hands-on

            active, socially distanced games and   made trains safer and more effi  cient.   scientific journey that promises to be

            competitions.                      They will make and test models of their   totally gross!
                                                                                 4-class workshop, March 8 - 11, 5:30 PM
                                              Center for Conscious               – 7:00 PM, Greater Impact Church, $59.
                                                 Healthy Living

                                                  Cindy Draper, LMT
                                                       & Associates

                                                                                 Check out the new monthly-themed
               Cindy Draper, LMT offering
                                                                                 Rec2Go activity boxes that let you take
               Swedish, Deep Tissue, Pregnancy
                                                                                 the fun home with you. Each month
               Massage, Reiki, Healing Touch
                                                                                 a new STEM (science, technology,
               Michele Wade, LMT specializing in                                 engineering, math) and textile arts box
               Swedish, Deep Tissue, Clinical                                    will be released. The boxes will contain

               Acupressure, Cranial Sacral, Reiki                                all of the materials your child will need
               Kelly Bowles, LMT specializing in                                 for hours of fun. Perfect for kids 8 and up

               Swedish, Deep Tissue, and now                                     or as young as five with adult assistance.
                                                   “Promoting Wellness and Unity in
               New Offerings Starting in February -    Family and Community Through   Order online or over the phone and
               Cupping, Warm Bamboo Massage,         the Healing Power of Touch”  then drive through and pick up from
               Lymphatic Dry Brush Treatment with
                                                                                 our office on Wednesday, March 24 from

               Moisturizing Shea Butter Wrap         311 Franklin St., Denton    4 -6 PM or Saturday, March 27 from
               Joyce Thume, LMT Swedish, Deep                                    9 – 11 AM.
               Tissue, Sports Massage, Cupping
                                                   Boho Décor Kit- $12
               Diana Limberis, Aromatherapy                                      Boho Room Decor is for those
               Consultations, Foot Ionization Spa,   Open 7 Days a Week by       who want to make their rooms feel
               Reflexology                                 appointment.           carefree and relaxed.  This kit contains

               Lydia Wainwright, M.Ac., Guasha,     Don’t forget Saturday        everything you need to design and
               Acupuncture, Tuesday & Wednesday        & Sunday appts.           create an eclectic dreamcatcher and a
                                                                                 lucky rainbow wall-hanging.  Purchase
               Shannon Walker, M.Ac., Guasha,         Class information at       your kit online and pick up from the
               Acupuncture Tuesday
                                                comfort of your car.
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