Page 12 - October 2023 Issue.indd
P. 12

DOLLARS AND SENSE                                           by Tolbert Rowe

                                  Housing Shortage Leads Soaring Prices

            If you are homeless or otherwise   3% interest rates. No need for landlords   your credit report, more specifically
            in search of a place to live, Caroline   to put ads in the local paper or advertise   your credit scores, will be critical. You
            County is not the greatest place to be   online. The network of rental companies   cannot purchase nor can you rent

            looking, especially for younger people   and landlords receives calls everyday   without a satisfactory credit report that
            just trying to start out in life. Heck, the   regarding units available.   shows you are prudent in managing your
            entire Mid-Shore area has a shortage of                              use of credit.

                                               The pandemic has made many tenants
            decent affordable housing, either to rent

                                               squatters in that landlords have been   If you are just starting out and need to
            or purchase.
                                               prohibited from moving for eviction.   establish credit you need to get a secured

            Mom and Dad, or other family members   Rental assistance moneys for those   credit card. These are major credit cards,
            have become the source of shelter for   tenants who have fallen behind have   usually VISA or Mastercard where your
            many people, young and old. The    saved many landlords from their own   credit limit is determined by the amount
            challenges of the Covid pandemic and   economic disaster.            you put on deposit with the issuer. You
            limited inventory of homes for sale has                              send the issuer $300, and they will issue
                                               So, with all this gloom and doom
            served as a catalyst for developers to                               you a credit card with a $300 limit. If
                                               about housing and the prospects for
            build homes on the few building lots                                 you default on the card they keep your
                                               the situation to improve in the near
            that had been sitting dormant for a                                  money, hence the term “secured.”
                                               future looking fairly grim, why would
            period of time. Currently, the high cost
                                               anyone consider purchasing a home?   When just starting out it is imperative
            of lumber and other building materials
                                               For the simple reason that you need to   that you set yourself up properly to get
            and compliance with ever tightening
                                               live somewhere, and you might as well   a good credit score. First, make your
            building requirements has stopped any
                                               be an owner instead of a tenant. This   payments well before the due date. Do
            serious investor from moving forward
                                               market, with exorbitantly higher rents   not be late making your payment! If you
            on any new housing projects.

                                               reaching levels close to what it costs to   are late, that reflects negatively on your
            With a shortage of housing units   be an owner, is a prime reason to buy   account and lowers your credit score.
            available for sale or rent, prices for   instead of rent, even with today’s higher
                                                                                 Keep in mind that the goal is to establish
            purchasing as well as monthly rents have   prices.
                                                                                 good credit so when a credit score is
            soared to levels that seem unsustainable.
                                               There are things you can do now to be   reported it is a good score, and not a

            There is a feeling that at some point
                                               considered a serious buyer, and doing   bad one. Late on your payment... Bad.
            prices will come down, or at the very
                                               these things will also make you look   Charge amounts over your credit limit...
            least stabilize. But the $64,000 question
                                               better to a potential landlord if renting   Bad. Getting a credit card and not using
            is “when will that happen?”
                                               will be your first step getting out on   it... BAD. It does no good to have a credit
            Rental units, if you can find one, have a     your own.              card for the purpose of establishing

            monthly rental payment that could be                                 credit and leaving it in the desk drawer
                                               Th e first thing you must do is establish

            higher than what a mortgage payment                                  collecting dust.
                                               good credit. Whether renting or buying,
            would be, especially with current sub
                                                                                 Think of your credit score like a water

                                                                                 pump. Using the card is like priming the
                                                                                 pump and getting water fl owing. Every
              “Your Mortgage Consultant Since 1985”
                                                                                 time you make a payment is one more
             Purchase or Refinance                                               handle stroke on the pump bringing up
                                                                                 more water.
                                                                                 Get the card, use it every month and
                                                                                 make payments before the due date;
                                                                                 another pumping stroke. More water...
                                                                                 Keep the balance on the card at, or
             115 E Dover St. Ste 3 - Easton, MD
                                                                                 below 40% of what your available credit
                    C. Tolbert Rowe,     is (credit limit) and the flow of water
           NMLS         Vice President/Lending  is steadier and more dependable. And
                                                                                 use the card every month, because for
               410-819-3005  /  cell 410-310-3520                                every month there is not activity, water
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