Page 7 - October 2023 Issue.indd
P. 7
be lifted without splitting open. Maybe them up constantly. The grounds are At the last town meeting I attended, a
a month later, another punch to my gut: covered in young oak, hickory, pine, new ordinance was being voted on. A
the town had run a bush-hog through persimmon, holly, and on and on. All number of us got up and spoke against
much of my favorite area. What of my will be cut down by the mowers blade. it; we represented a variety of races,
flora, my pal the snake, my friend the They could stake some off and let them economic backgrounds and political
turtle? Are they okay? Turtles from the grow. Th ey could. beliefs, and in this era of supposed
nearby pond come up in that area to lay conflict, we all united against the
So, why am I writing this and placing
their eggs. One of those big creatures measure. To which, the mayor and coun-
it in the Caroline Review, rather than
didn’t make it, the dismembered shell cil proceeded to pass it unanimously and
taking the matter up with the mayor
scattered about. Was it that tractor, or an without comment. Based on this, and
and council? Well, I suppose they might
ambitious fox? I really, really wish they the fact that most of the town council
think me some sort of crank. I’ve chat-
hadn’t done that to “my” park. never responds to my letters at all, I
ted with them before. I complained
thought it time to try out the power of
A final complaint? A recently purchased about the marijuana growing/process-
the press.
75 year old postcard confirmed what I ing facility being constructed adjacent
have long already known: the park is to the park, within smelling distance It’s not hard to go around picking up
much less wooded than it once was, of ball fields and swing sets and such. litter. I do it as much as my back will
and is growing more sparse with each I was told, in short, that if there is ever allow. It’s not hard to plant a tree, or to
passing year. It’s not that folks are going a problem with the smell (or anything steer the mower around a sapling. What,
in and cutting down trees, but that else) I can just take it up with the plant I guess, does take a lot of energy: to
through attrition they are slowly fading management because the town doesn’t care. To care enough to keep the trash,
away. Several have tumbled down this care about anything but the tax money of all sorts, out of the park in the fi rst
year, while public works took down it will bring. I also brought up the fact place. Between the time I write this and
some smaller ones that I guess weren’t that several lights are stuck on, out at the time you read this, there will be an
“convenient”. Sadly, it has been a long the park, 24-7. They’ve remained on for election in this fair city. I’ve no idea
time since any have been many months. who will get elected, but if you happen
humans. Oh, Mother Nature brings to have their ear, put in a word for Mrs.
Chambers, won’t you?
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