Page 13 - August 2023 Issue.indd
P. 13

If you are one of them, you must reach out to the last known   It is very possible that if this same survey were done today, two
            contact you have for your loans. If you have no idea who   years later, the total assets of the same institutions surveyed
            you are to make payment to check your original loan papers   would be over $1 trillion, about $3,100 per person in the US.

            or contact the business office of the institution of higher   I do not know about you, but this is crazy. Think about it.
            education that benefited from you borrowing for your   College endowments, probably over $1 trillion, are well over
            education.                                          50% of the total outstanding student debt.

            It is imperative that you pay attention to your mail, both   Allowing colleges to accumulate such wealth while the
            electronic and snail mail. Lenders will be trying to fi nd you   consumers (students) of the product (higher education)
            if they haven’t already. Pay attention and respond accordingly.   become weighed down with long term debt is an irony that
            Remember, the payments are not going away, at least until   should not be overlooked. Somehow, some way colleges and
            you complete the process of relief through PSLF or Pay as   universities should share some of their wealth with consumers
            You Go plans.                                       of their product. Either lower tuition costs across the board
                                                                or focus more aid back to students individually.
            Once contact has been made with your servicer request

            information about all available relief programs. Do not, and I   The student loan crisis will not go away overnight. At the very
            repeat, do not rely on your student loans being forgiven with   least the reining in of the cost of a higher education needs to
            the swoosh of a pen. President Biden has said he is going to   be a part of the solution.

            find a way to make it happen. Personally, I doubt it. Unless
                                                                Mr. Rowe is Vice President/Lending for Bay Capital Mortgage
            you qualify for any current programs it is unlikely that your
                                                                Corp. with offices in Easton and Annapolis. He has lived
            responsibility to repay your student loans will be forgiven.
                                                                in Caroline for his entire life and supports the county by
            Whatever you do, do not, and I emphasize do not pay anyone   volunteering in a variety of ways. He currently lives near
            for assistance in dealing with student loans. Only work   Greensboro with his wife Jeanne and daughter Kelsey.
            with the US Department of Education and the office of

            Federal Student Aid, There has been a
            proliferation of scammers offering to assist with forgiveness,

            discharge, and cancellation of student loans for a fee. Do
            not make an inconvenient situation worse by being taken
            by scam artists. Additionally, never, ever, use a credit card to
            make a payment on a student loan, or any other revolving or
            installment debt payment for that matter.
                                                                               the market is
            It is interesting to note that in all this angst in dealing with
            over a trillion dollars in student loan debt, the cost of higher
            education and corresponding increase of college endowment
            balances are not part of the conversation. College costs
            have soared over the last 30 years and been supported and
            sustained by a never-ending source of funding. Consumers
            of higher education (students) have leveraged their futures
            with borrowed money, with the hope that increased income
            will be the result of the investment. For far too many this has
            not been the result.

            The number of households with student loan debt has more
            than doubled in the last 30 years, from 1989 to 2019 according
            to the Federal Reserve. Total student loans outstanding have
            more than tripled from $520 billion in 2006 to $1.76 trillion
            in 2022.
                                                                                     10794 Greensboro Road
            While student loan debt has exploded colleges and universities         Denton, MD  410-479-4663
            have accumulated billions of dollars in endowments. At the end
            of Fiscal 2021, 720 public and private institutions surveyed by            www.TheBrenton
            the National Association of College and University Business      
            Officers and the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association

            of America boasted $821 billion in assets. Of these, 137 had
                                                                            KATHLEEN BRENTON, BROKER
            endowments greater than $1 billion, about $3 per person in
            the US, for a combined $687 billion, leaving the balance of         (410) 829-3430
            $134 billion among the other 684 colleges and universities.
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