Page 17 - August 2023 Issue.indd
P. 17
• Power Equipment Choptank BULK MULCH
• Contractor Supply
• Clothing/Footwear
• Electrical Supply
• Plumbing
• Hardware
• Lumber
• Mulch/Stone Store Hours: M-F 6 AM-6 PM 802 Crystal Ave.,
• Landscape Material Weekends: Sat 7 AM-4 PM; Denton, MD
• Gardening Sun 9 AM–3 PM 410.479.1233 Delivery Service
• Decorative Gravel Available
• Paint Center PROPANE
New Rental
Mini Excavator
w/ Hydraulic Thumb
Douglas Charles Maat and Ashley
Nicole Maat to Rickey D. Topovski, Chesapeake Window Cleaning Company
11130 Central Avenue, Ridgely,
$487,000. Ask about our Residential Inside and Outside by hand
Wesley Alan Reibert and Gabrielle NO DAMAGE Serving the local area for 30 years
Nicole Reibert to Jessica Tarr and Family Owned and Operated
Mark McGinniss, 1311 Chesapeake SOFT WASH Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Drive, Denton, $260,000. SERVICES, using
Robert E. Jarrell and Lynn S. Jarrell
to James T. Worm, III and Sarah H. to clean wood, 410-280-2284
Worm, 5 North First Street, Denton, concrete, brick, The Montgomery family thanks you for your interest!
$250,000. siding and decks.
Linda Sue Ayers to Brittany Cintron,
27518 Sandtown Road, Goldsboro, Jennifer W. Lister to Dale Leslie David Lee Blough, Jr. and Tiff any
$80,000. Wright, Jr. and Shirley J. Wright, Marie Blough to Casey Shelby and
27048 Chipmans Lane, Federalsburg, Tyler Bell, 8556 Andersontown Road,
The Estate of Paul M. Quanbeck to
$550,000. Denton, $349,900.
Oaklands, LLC, 12672 Oakland Road,
Ridgely, $200,700. Bradley M. Lynch to Charles H. The Estate of James Hickman Walter,
White, Jr., 9691 Foy Road, Denton, Jr. to Eliu Luna Alvarez and Adriana
Consider It Done, LLC to Platinum
$375,900. Feliciano Pizano, 24120 Asbury Drive,
Property Group, LLC, 108 Park Denton, $260,000.
Avenue, Ridgely, $67,500. Lee Jay Sutton and Allyn M. Sutton
to Christopher M. Schiafone and Justin Guy and Chelsea Tilghman
Leslie S. Merriken to Eric Earl Willis
Melinda A. Mendes, 205 South Fift h to Steven C. Olauson and Mary M.
and Kimberly M. Willis, Federalsburg
Avenue, Denton, $403,000. Matson, 25922 Fox Grape Road,
Highway, Federalsburg, $69,007.
Greensboro, $323,100.