Page 19 - August 2023 Issue.indd
P. 19


            The Estate of James Hickman Walter,   James W. Miller, Jr. to John H. Brown,   The Estate of Gladys N. Wheeler
            Jr. to Eliu Luna Alvarez and Adriana   III, 6947 American Corner Road,   to Matthew P. Willis and Alexis E.
            Feliciano Pizano, 24120 Asbury Drive,   Denton, $200,000.            Higdon, 508 North Sixth Street,
            Denton, $260,000.                                                    Denton, $180,000.
                                               James J. Hildwine, III to Four-Ten
            Francis Larry Tribbitt and Virginia   Holdings Corporation, 904 Market   Daryl L. Tull and Barbara Tull to
            Mary Tribbitt to Tisha M. Russell,   Street, Denton, $130,000.       Johnny D. Moss and Kimberly L.
            15036 Day Road, Goldsboro,         Matthew Hubbard and Elizabeth     Moss, 4679 Houston Branch Road,
                                                                                    PLASTIC CASING
            $195,000.                                                            Federalsburg, $195,000.
                                               M. Hubbard to Alex F. Regalado,
            The Estate of Sharon G. Reed to Janell   Kimberly J. Regalado, and Anthony J.   5001 SHR, LLC to Denton Dev, LLC,

            Pulice and Timothy Pulice, 3502    Corona, Dover Bridge Road, Preston,   100 Denton Plaza, Denton, $600,000.
            American Corner Road, Federalsburg,   $70,000.                       Book 1617
            $35,000.                                                                       & Irrigation

                                               The Land Life, LLC to Douglas
            Almalis LLC to Federalsburg RE     Keith Whitson, Jr., Goldsboro Road,
            LLC, 210 East Central Avenue,      Goldsboro, $20,000.                        Also   Gould
            Federalsburg, $150,000.
                                               TJL Properties, LLC to Michelle Hindt             Pumps
            Leesa Kay Stokes to Paul C. Heins and   and Colette Lepage, 25261 Smith
            Diana G. Christ, 23267 Holly Park   Landing Road, Denton, $330,000.
            Drive, Preston, $305,000.                                                    Lifetime Well
                                               Kevin J. Cassidy and Karen S. Cassidy
            William G. Hauf and Leigh A. Hauf to   to Catherine Daniel and Christopher      Drilling
            Kevin L. Hauf and Jennifer A. Hauf,   Jack Lancaster, Sr., 712 Gay Street,    Call Kenny Wood
            25751 Sennett Road, Denton, $50,000.  Denton, $233,500.                    410-479-0397
            Hassan Ebrahimkhan to William      Charles G. Buckler and Christina
            De Leon Velasquez and Diana        Buckler to Scott B. Haygood Casley
            Escobar Estebal, 102 Maple Avenue,   and Mary K. Williams Feldman,
            Goldsboro, $37,500.                1606 Cattail Commons Way, Denton,


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