Page 11 - February 2022 Issue.indd
P. 11
was tweaking of certain components getting vaccinated, then I suggest you those hospitalized are not vaccinated.
of the vaccine to direct action against give up your cell phone. Uncle Sam will The 10%-25% remaining who have
Coronavirus. The only barrier left was think you no longer exist. been vaccinated have underlying
approval by the FDA that was fast health conditions. Only 5% of those
tracked to the point that a vaccine was People are not dying from vaccines. Sure, vaccinated and boosted are hospitalized
ready in 6 -7 months instead of the 6 - 7 some people are sickened by the vaccine by coronavirus/omicron. If you are
years it could normally take. for several days, but their reaction to vaccinated and boosted, you have a 95%
a vaccine is nothing compared to the chance of not being hospitalized. Th is
But although vaccines have proven their suffering they could endure in a hospital is not to say that those who are fully
success in lessening the most signifi cant ICU ward on a ventilator. If you are vaccinated will not get infected. Th ey
impact of coronavirus, hospitalizations, afraid of getting a shot, admit it. Don’t may. But for most of them the symptoms
and death, we are breaking records use a lame excuse that you aren’t getting are much like a bad cold or mild fl u.
nearly every day. Have vaccines lulled one because the vaccine could make
us into a false sense of security to the you sick. Ironically, those who have followed the
extent that we no longer feel coronavirus recommended protocols for limiting
I am sympathetic to those who should
is a threat to our health? Is the Omicron the impact of coronavirus by getting
not get the vaccine for a bona fide
variant some kind of newly morphed vaccinated and boosted could suffer
medical reason. You should always
contagion that no vaccine can protect unnecessarily by a lack of space in
follow the directions of your doctor.
from? To me the answer is simple, just emergency rooms and hospital beds
But you must ask yourself if the brief
not enough people understand it, or due to those who have “chosen” to not
discomfort of a shot is better than what
choose not to believe it. be vaccinated. Those who need urgent
could be weeks of pain, hospitalization
medical attention for reasons other
Being vaccinated does not mark you as or in extreme cases, death.
than Covid are not receiving prompt
someone whom the government can Those who are not vaccinated are and effective medical care, and it is not
monitor and track your every move as suffering and dying from coronavirus because overworked medical personnel
your cell phone already does an excellent the most. This is a fact. Depending don’t care.
job of that. If this is your reason for not
on where or when 75% to 90% of
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