Page 12 - February 2022 Issue.indd
P. 12
Emergency rooms are full because
Covid patients are most of the cases
they are dealing with. Medical personnel
are focusing their attention on those
with most severe issues. God forbid
Because you deserve qqualified, llocal representation the nearest hospital is full and the only
hospital that can take me is in another
when managing life’s important issues. state. And when I do make it to my
hospital bed, I am there alone, with few
? ESTATE PLANNING if any family or visitors. Covid patients
? RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 300 Market Street are not allowed to see any family and are
Suite 104
REAL ESTATE AND SETTLEMENTS Denton, Maryland suff ering without the loving touch of a
family member.
? MUNICIPAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LAW Make an educated choice and when
? GENERAL LEGAL COUNSEL 410.310.1774 doing so think of the impact your
decision will have not only on you but on
Our attorney, Patrick Thomas, and our Settlement others, especially loved ones. Because I, a
Agent, Sandy Hayman, are available to travel to your fully vaccinated and boosted individual,
preferred location. believe that your right to refuse a vaccine
for anything other than a purely medical
most severely ill are Covid patients, or bona fide religious reason ends when
my access to prompt and effi cient health
Perfect Touch remember at least 75% of have “chosen” care begins.
to not be vaccinated.
Now, I will be one of the first to advocate Too many people are suffering
for a person’s right to determine what unnecessarily because of your right to
substances they put in their body for
Hair Design say no. Our health care system is itself
whatever reason. Unfortunately, some on life support and those whom we rely
1143 Shore Hwy. Denton people choose to put things in their upon to run this system are reaching
410-479-2833 their breaking point. How much longer
body that may kill them. Illegal drugs
do enough damage.
Ann Draper & Lisa Young (Murray), Stylist do we have to suff er when a resolution
Over 30 years combined experience resides in a needle in the arm?
Government does not have a right to
Appointments Appreciated “make” you get vaccinated, although If you are not vaccinated, make a good
Walk-Ins Welcome they do “make” us vaccinate our children choice and get a vaccine. Th ere certainly
to go to public school. We do have a will be another variant of coronavirus in
responsibility to make educated choices our future. Being vaccinated does not
by considering all information about the protect you from getting it. However, for
vaccine and to understand the impact of most people without underlying medical
Tue. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. conditions, the symptoms do not put
not protecting ourselves, and how not
Wed., Closed; protecting yourself could impact others you in a hospital.
Sat. 9-Noon
if you somehow transmit this highly
Our world will be much less restrictive if
transmissible Omicron variant to others.
more people are vaccinated. You will live
Those who “choose” to not get vaccinated to appreciate it and those around will not
Let me put this another way for those are part of the reason that my access have to suffer unnecessarily by watching
who may not follow my logic. Currently, to reliable health care is being limited. you suffer from afar, and possibly die,
our health care system is overwhelmed Because hospitals are at capacity due to because you did not.
and those responsible for making a surge in Covid cases, I may not have Mr. Rowe is Vice President/Lending for
it work have hit a wall. There is only access to prompt emergency health care. Bay Capital Mortgage Corp. with offi ces
so much capacity a building has and Ambulances with patients waiting for in Easton and Annapolis. He has lived in
when capacity hits 100%, hospitals are medical care are sitting in ER parking Caroline for his entire life and supports
saying “no more” and direct patients to lots waiting to drop patients. Every the county by volunteering in a variety of
other medical facilities, and those who ambulance waiting to unload a patient ways. He currently lives near Greensboro
are getting into an emergency room is one less available to come to my rescue with his wife Jeanne and daughter Kelsey.
are triaged so the most severely ill or and people are suffering, and even dying,
injured are dealt with. Many of those because of this delay in delivery of
urgent medical services.