Page 40 - February 2022 Issue.indd
P. 40

based on the governments sympathetic   drug coverage. (Please note that those
                                               understanding of the actual jumps in   under 65 who are collecting Social
                                               the cost of living!  It is based on Social   Security are already enrolled in “A” since
               Spot                            guard against a reduction in SS benefi ts   Security.)
                                                                                 by law one must have “A” to collect Social
            Senior          Security’s Hold Harmless Provision to
                                               as a result of Medicare Part B premium
                                               increases. In other words, your Social   During IEP, one should also purchase
                                                                                 Medicare Supplemental insurance
                                               Security payments cannot go down from
                    Senior Moments             one year to the next because “they” raise   (also called Medi-gap) to cover the
                     by Mary Moran             the part “B” premium. Therefore, the   20% coinsurances and fixed copays
                       410-829-2535 / 410-490-3078  2022 COLA raise is being issued to cover   not covered by “B” and “A”.  These
                                                                                 plans guarantee that you are insured
                                               the “B” monthly increase to $170.50. Th e
            Miss me in January? It was the fi rst time   2022 cost of “B” is $21.60 higher than the   nationwide for any medical need covered
            in seven years that Senior Moments did   2021 base premium of $148.50.   by Medicare. Medi-Gap insurance
            not publish and, since excuses are like                              coverage is standardized by the federal
                                               Please note that some people will see   government to perform as supplemental/
            bellybuttons and everyone has one, I will
                                               little or no increase in their part “B”   secondary insurance to Original
            not bore you with mine! However, I do
                                               premium. This is because the 5.9%   Medicare. These plans are designated

            offer my sincere apologies for not getting
                                               increase does not increase their social   with alphabetical names (A, G, N etc.)
            the information about 2022 cost changes
                                               security check enough to cover such a   which may cause some confusion with
            in Medicare, as well as my Medicare 101
                                               large jump in the “B” premium. Th ese   the other parts of Medicare! Just know
            guideline, to you last month.
                                               are the people protected by the Hold   that this is optional coverage sold by
            So, without further ado, I’ll just remind   Harmless provision. Exceptions to   private companies to offset the 20%
            you that this is the one where I say don’t   the Hold Harmless provision include   and coinsurances required by Original
            shoot the messenger, folks! Grab a cuppa   those aff ected by IRMMA, (whose “B”   Medicare but is crucial coverage.
            something hot, or strong, or both and   premium is based on income reported

            get comfortable! The cost of Medicare   two years prior), low-income people   Government approved plans offer
            for 2022 has, to say the least, jumped   who qualify to have the state pay the   similar but different coverage for
            dramatically. I will try to refrain from   “B” premium, and those whose part “B”   different premiums. By law, a G plan
            making snarky comments and just give   enrollment is eff ective 2022.  always functions as a G is designed to

            you the facts, but no guarantees, folks!                             function and offers the same coverage
                                               Reminder to those turning 65: Th e once   regardless of who is selling it or what
            The large increase in beneficiary’s   in a lifetime Initial Enrollment Period   state it is sold in. The only allowed
            out-of-pocket cost is supposed to be   (IEP) for “A” &” B” & “D” includes three   difference Is what the insurer can charge

            offset by the 30-year record breaking   months before, the month of, and the   beneficiaries for their monthly premium,

            5.9% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)   three months following your 65th. Th is   and that diff erence can be pretty wide.
            to Social Security Benefits. (2021 COLA   is the time to manually enroll in “A”   Remember, these are attained age

            was 1.3%) Anyone who reads this    Hospital coverage, “B” for outpatient   policies, which means the premiums
            column knows that the COLA is not   medical coverage, and “D” prescription   will go up every year. Be sure to deal only
                                                                                 with reputable, licensed brokers who
                          TURNING 65?                                            specialize in Medicare and can show you
                                                                                 your most affordable options! Medi-Gap

                                                                                 Coverage should begin the fi rst month
               Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?                  “B” goes into eff ect.
                                   Let Me Help You!
                                                                                 This 7-month IEP is the only time
                                                                                 frame where you will not have to
                                                                                 answer any medical questions (medical
                          Anthony Insurance Services                             underwriting) when purchasing Medi-

                          Ann M. Anthony                                         Gap supplemental insurance. Th e IEP
                                                                                 guarantees that insurance carriers cannot
                                                                                 deny you coverage due to pre-existing
                                                                                 health conditions. Once this 7-month
                    Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans,
                                                                                 period closes, your medical history
                  Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans,               and health circumstances allow these
               Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance             private insurers to deny you coverage, or
               Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 •  increase the premiums, so do not delay
                           22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629                  getting this in place to start the same day
                                                                                 your Medicare Coverage starts.
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