Page 41 - February 2022 Issue.indd
P. 41
Note that those already collecting
Roses are red,
social security due to disability get a R oses ar e r e d,
new opportunity when turning 65 to
violets are blue,
start over with a new plan at a much violets are blue,
lower rate! The disabled under 65 are I got on the scale,
I got on the scale,
paying very hefty premiums for the one
and thought
Medi-Gap supplement available to you and thought
in Maryland. Drop your premiums to
the same starting level as anyone else Medically
turning 65 and take advantage of this IEP Supervised
period to start your coverage with a G or Affordable ,,,it’ s time
N plan. This IEP means you are entitled
to the same no medical underwriting & Save to call
questions asked, and other guarantees, you!
• Multi-Vitamins
as anyone else turning 65 during your
• Diet Medication
IEP! Be aware that for those who are
• Blood Analysis
over 65 and past their IEP, aft er retiring
• Blood Pressure Checked
or losing their job-based insurance, one
only has 63 days to be eligible to buy • Vitamin B-12 Injection
Supplemental Medigap insurance. • Nutritional Guidance
• Weigh in on body fat
For those enrolling in part “B”, If you composition scale CHESTER RIVER
enroll during the three months prior
to your birthday, coverage begins the WEIGHT LOSS
month of your birthday. If you enroll 410-778-9215
the month after, coverage begins the 1 mile south of Chester River CENTER
following month. Waiting until the 5th
Bridge - Chestertown, MD
month pushes back coverage another
two months and if you wait until the 6th
or 7th month of your IEP, coverage starts OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR SUB-LEASE.
the 3rd month following the month
you enrolled. Keep this in mind if you were eligible but delayed signing up be the primary payer, so you must
are setting up Medicare to start after for “B”. Additionally, It goes up when sign up. Know that if you are covered
retirement or the loss of employer-based the premium cost goes up and that by small group insurance and do not
insurance. penalty is in place as long as you have sign up for “A” & “B” when eligible, the
“B” coverage, essentially for life. This small group employer’s plan can refuse
Medicare General Enrollment Period
penalty is added to your monthly part to pay your claims. This means that
(GEP) runs from January 1st to March
“B” premium, and both are deducted delaying Medicare enrollment could
31st. This year’s current General
from your Social Security check. leave you with little or no coverage,
Enrollment Period is the opportunity
For those not yet collecting Social and health care will largely be coming
for one to enroll in Part “A” or “B” if
Security who pay for “B” every three out of your pocket if you do not have
you did not enroll during the 7-month
months, this monthly charge is added Medicare. Contact the human resources
Initial Enrollment Period surrounding
to your quarterly premium payment. department to find out if your insurance
your 65th birthday. Call Social Security
Additionally, you will have gaps in is primary or secondary to Medicare and
in Cambridge at 888-347-9277 or go
online and create an account on www. coverage since enrollment during the the consequences of delaying enrollment to get the forms General Enrollment Period means your in “B”.
needed to enroll in Medicare “A” and/or Medicare “B” coverage will not go into An employee’s insured spouse does not
effect until July 1st.
“B” and to get information about your generally have the option of choosing
Social Security status. One does not have to sign up for Medicare not to enroll in “B” to avoid paying
while still working if you have large the “B” premium. If your spouse or
Unfortunately, if you did not enroll
company job-based health insurance. dependent has job-based insurance
during your Initial Enrollment period
The primary payer with 20+ employees through a family member, and Medicare
and did not have comparable, creditable
insurance in place after the designated is considered creditable coverage. Th ose is slotted to be their Primary payer, the
7-month time frame, you are likely to with less than 20 employees off er small spouse does not have the option to delay
get hit with the “B” late penalty. Th is group insurance which is not considered enrolling in Medicare to avoid having
creditable. This is considered secondary to pay the premium. The spouse must
penalty is 10% of the current premium
insurance with Medicare expected to enroll in Medicare at least a month
for every full 12-month period you