P. 242

And there you go they put leather on and some fake attitude and they call

     themselves masters and they have their slaves and here I will be a little nasty
     with the slaves.

     As a slave if you think you are one , what makes you a slave I have no idea but

     lets say you are a slave and you are looking for a Master of course you want
     your Master to be one.

     How do you picture a Master to be like , I assume he needs to be a strong man

     with some muscles to have

      A attitude dominant serious logical? Clever? Does he need to have strong mind
     as to know what he is doing to think fast to act fast and when he practice the

     S&M with you to be off his face on drugs or alcohol because they become more
     of Masters then?

      Or do you want them to hold the cigar or what ever they smoke a meter higher

     than the shoulders Kathrin Helburne style in Tiffany’s ? while they are on a gay
     leather bar with other masters and their slaves to talk about Maria Callas?

      With a squeaky voice like someone step on the big toe of a drag Queen?

     Because I am telling you most masters are doing all the things I mention above ,
     see second paragraph.

      Master by definition is someone who thinks and act fast his brain is intelegent
     he doesn’t need to have muscles to show you his authority but with one look at

     you he does it because he knows who he is

     A true Master will never show off never tell you he is a master but the way he
     will sit down and look at you , you will obbey and do as he pleased his mind is

     always one step ahead he is not on drugs

      When he works on you neither drunk but he will make you feel extasy from his
     actions. You look in to his eyes because he doesn’t need to speak his eyes say

     the lot and you obbey.

     A Strong clever mind makes the Master who he is.
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