Page 25 - BoiseRiverValley2023RELOGUIDE
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Built for Business
Meridian is booming with rapidly growing companies, Along with the health-and-science industry boom,
organizations, and industries. Careful planning and Meridian is the center of retail and commercial
development between the City of Meridian and Idaho development. Hundreds of retail merchants,
State University has resulted in Meridian’s Medical professional services, and recreation venues are seeing
Core. This has set Meridian on the road to becoming the value of doing business in Meridian. It’s easy to
one of the nation’s elite health-and-science industry attract good employees with its convenient access to
hubs. Meridian is home to Blue Cross of Idaho, St. Interstate 84 and Highway 55, the proximity to outdoor
Luke’s full-service acute-care campus, ISU’s Meridian recreation, low cost of living, excellent schools, and
Health Science Center, and Idaho’s first medical school beautiful neighborhoods.
– Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM)
– which started instruction in 2018. The addition Meridian is a thriving community, centrally located in
of ICOM to Meridian’s medical core is expected to the Treasure Valley. It’s easy to see why it is the fastest
attract a wealth of new businesses, employ more than growing city in the state of Idaho.
90 senior instructors, and train physicians to care for
people in a five-state region.
The Village at Meridian