Page 27 - BoiseRiverValley2023RELOGUIDE
P. 27
Life is a little simpler here, filled
with rolling farmland, big tractors,
and friendly folks. “Farm-to-table”
is as common as drinking a glass of
water, and the local farmers market
is busier than the grocery store.
Caldwell is a growing area with a
revitalized downtown and many
community events throughout the
year. It is a great little town of just
over 50,000 people with enough
room for residents to spread out
and enjoy their surroundings. “The perfect mix
The College of Idaho
of old and new.”
What’s Your Pleasure?
As you might guess, rodeos and county fairs are a Downtown
pretty big deal in this little corner of the Valley. The
Caldwell Night Rodeo, or CNR as its known to most, is
Idaho’s #1 outdoor rodeo. It is the largest and longest
running annual event in Canyon County, drawing more
than 45,000 fans with its five-night extravaganza.
The Canyon County Fair is the biggest summer
attraction in the county, attracting more than 50,000
fair-goers over four days. This quintessentially down-
home fair is fun and affordable for the whole family.
Top country acts perform each night, and attendance is
free with paid fair admission of about five dollars. And
what fair wouldn’t be complete without farm animals, The Indian Creek Festival is a
hair-raising carnival rides, and sticky cotton candy? favorite local event for the residents
of Caldwell. Taking place along,
What is surprising to many is the number of wineries and in, Indian Creek in Downtown
in the region. Oenophiles (aka wine connoisseurs) are Caldwell, this two-day event is full
slowly but surely learning about the excellent wineries of family fun, including the popular
in Caldwell’s Snake River Valley, booking their Airbnb’s, cardboard kayak races. Yes, kayaks made of cardboard
and taking to the wine trail. Idaho now has 51 wineries, take to the fast-flowing creek and even overcome some
with about 15 located here. The Snake River Valley’s rapid whitewater. It’s definitely worth coming out and
rich soil, cold winters and hot, dry summers make it an cheering on the participants.
excellent place to grow grapes.
Downtown Caldwell’s revitalization of Indian Creek
Golf is also a big deal in Caldwell. Purple Sage Golf Plaza has brought new life to this quiet town. The
Course is one of the Valley’s most affordable and Plaza features an outdoor venue and hosts wine and
excellent 18-hole municipal golf course in the Treasure art festivals, music events, and more. A new 11-screen
Valley. The 9-hole Fairview Municipal Golf Course movie theater recently opened, and trendy new
has character and charm that reflects the city that restaurants and retail boutiques are popping up.
surrounds it. In winter, the Plaza turns into a magical festival of
lights and offers outdoor ice skating on the all-new
ice ribbon.