Page 31 - BoiseRiverValley2023RELOGUIDE
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So Much to Do Quality of Life
For a town this size, Nampa has a lot to offer. The As great as Nampa is with all its amenities, it wouldn’t
Warhawk Air Museum preserves military aviation be much without the people who live and work here.
history and attracts over 25,000 visitors a year. The These salt-of-the-earth type folks work hard and are
Ford Idaho Center hosts world-class musicians and welcoming and supportive. It’s a diverse culture of
events in its outdoor amphitheater and indoor arena. farming families, service professionals, retail workers,
It’s a top venue for numerous horse shows and rodeos and entrepreneurs. Housing is much more affordable
like the Snake River Stampede, one of the nation’s top than other areas in the Valley and crime is low. There
10 regular season professional rodeos. If golfing is your are many parks and trails to explore, and the proximity
game, Nampa has three beautiful golf courses within its to everything around the Valley is a huge bonus.
city limits. The Nampa Rec Center is a great place for
families. This immense facility has five indoor pools, Growing and Thriving
cardio and weight rooms, indoor and outdoor tracks, Nampa’s business-friendly climate and low
racquetball, rock climbing, preschool and kids’ camps, unemployment rate have encouraged many companies
senior activities, and a host of events throughout the to open or expand here. The community is a retail
year. You can also enjoy the performing arts at the magnet with major stores like Target, Dicks Sporting
Nampa Civic Center. Goods, and Costco.
Excellence in Education Nampa has added two new full-service hospitals to
Residents are also proud of the schools in the friendly the area – the 87-bed St. Luke’s and 100-bed Saint
town of Nampa. At public and private schools from Alphonsus. Amazon will soon open a new distribution
early childhood on up, the teachers embody the town center in the area, adding more than 1,000 new jobs in
spirit. They’re hard-working, caring people who are the process.
passionate about making sure your child gets the best
education possible. And Nampa boasts three great
colleges – Northwest Nazarene University, one of the “A diverse culture
top Christian universities in the Northwest, College of of farming families,
Western Idaho, and Stevens-Henager College. service professionals,
retail workers, and
The Flying M Coffee House entrepreneurs.”