Page 114 - Medical Parasitology_ A Textbook ( PDFDrive )
P. 114
Filarial Worms Causing Subcutaneous Filariasis 107
Onchocerca volvulus
Mainly in tropical Africa, Central and South America. A small focus of infection
exists in Yemen and south Arabia.
The adult worms are in nodules in subcutaneous connective tissue of infected
The adult male worm measures not more than 5 cm in length and the female mea-
sures 50 cm.
The microfilariae are unsheathed and non-periodic. They measure about 300 μm in
length. The microfilariae are found in the skin and subcutaneous lymphatics in the vicin-
ity of parent worms. They may also be found in the eye and not in peripheral blood.
Life Cycle (Fig. 10.18)
(1) The vector, black fly, takes a blood meal and L3 larvae enter the bite wound.
(2–3) The larvae travel to the subcutaneous tissue and develop into adults which are
Onchocerca volvulus
Blackfly Stages Human Stages
1 Blackfly (genus Simulium)
takes a blood meal
(L3 larvae enter bite wound)
9 Migrate to head Subcutaneous tissues
and blackfly’s proboscis
8 L3 larvae
3 Adults in subcutaneous
L1 larvae Adults produce
5 Blackfly takes 4 unsheathed microfilariae
a blood meal
(ingests microfilariae) that typically are found in
skin and in lymphatics of
connective tissues, but
Microfilariae penetrate
6 blackfly’s midgut also occasionally in
and migrate to peripheral blood, urine,
and sputum.
thoracic muscles
i = Infective Stage
d = Diagnostic Stage
Fig. 10.18 Life cycle of Onchocerca volvulus (Reproduced from