Page 113 - Medical Parasitology_ A Textbook ( PDFDrive )
P. 113

106                                         10  Nematodes: Roundworms

                                         Loa loa
                Fly Stages   1  Fly (genus Chrysops)    Human Stages
                               takes a blood meal
                             (L3 larvae enter bite wound)

               8  Migrate to head
                and fly’s proboscis

                                                          2  Adults in subcutaneous
                                      i                     tissue
                 7  L3 larvae

                                                               Adults produce
              6  L1 larvae                                   3  sheathed microfilariae
                                                               that are found in
                                                               spinal fluid, urine,
                                4  Fly takes a                 sputum, peripheral
              5  Microfilariae shed  blood meal                blood and in the lungs
               sheaths, penetrate  (ingests microfilariae)
               fly’s midgut, and                                     d
               migrate to thoracic

                i  = Infective Stage
               d  = Diagnostic Stage
            Fig. 10.17  Life cycle of  Loa loa (Reproduced from

              1.  Microscopic examination
                 Detection  of  microfilariae  stained  with  Giemsa  in  peripheral  blood  at
              2.  Biopsy
                 Isolation  of the  adult  worm  from the  eye  or  from a  subcutaneous  biopsy
            DEC (8–10 mg/kg orally in 3 divided doses daily for 21 days) is effective against
            both the adult and the microfilarial forms of L. loa. Severe adverse reactions may
            develop following the sudden death of large numbers of microfilariae after giving
            DEC. Administration of corticosteroids at the same time minimizes such reaction.
              Surgical removal of the migrating adult worms that are found in the conjunctiva
            or under the skin.
              Prevention and Control
              1.  Avoiding areas where Chrysops are found
              2.  Avoid vector bites by using insect repellents and protective clothings
              3.  Treatment of positive cases
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