Page 76 - Medical Parasitology_ A Textbook ( PDFDrive )
P. 76

Other Intestinal Protozoa                                       69


            No specific treatment is available for sarcocystosis. For myositis, albendazole, met-
            ronidazole and co-trimoxazole have been used. Corticosteroids have been used for
            symptomatic relief.

              Prevention and Control

              1.  Ingestion of cooked beef or pork
              2.  Freezing meat at −5 °C for several days will kill the sarcocysts
              3.  Boiling of drinking water

              Other Intestinal Protozoa

              Blastocystis hominis

            It is globally distributed.

            It is a protozoa found in the large intestine of humans, belonging to the Stramenopiles.
            Blastocystis hominis has 4 morphological forms:

              1.  Vacuolated form is usually seen in stool specimen. It measures 8 μm in diameter
              and is characterized by its large central vacuole, which pushes the cytoplasm and
              the nuclei to the periphery (Fig. 7.9). It multiplies by binary fission.
              2.  Amoeboid form is polymorphous, slightly larger than the vacuolated form and is
              occasionally seen in the faeces. It multiplies by sporulation.

            Fig. 7.9  Blastocystis
            hominis vacuolated
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