Page 185 - Basic _ Clinical Pharmacology ( PDFDrive )
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CHAPTER 10  Adrenoceptor Antagonist Drugs     171

                      Subclass, Drug   Mechanism of Action  Effects             Clinical Applications  Toxicities, Interactions
                        •  Esmolol     β 1  > β 2           Very brief cardiac    Rapid control of BP and   Parenteral only • half-life
                                                            β blockade          arrhythmias, thyrotoxicosis,    ~10 min • Toxicity: Bradycardia
                                                                                and myocardial ischemia   • hypotension
                        •  Metyrosine  Blocks tyrosine hydroxylase    Lowers BP • may elicit   Pheochromocytoma  Toxicity: Extrapyramidal
                                       • reduces synthesis of   extrapyramidal effects (due            symptoms • orthostatic
                                       dopamine, norepinephrine,    to low dopamine in CNS)            hypotension • crystalluria
                                       and epinephrine
                     Not available in the USA.

                    PREP AR A TIONS A V AIL ABLE                                 *

                          GENERIC NAME             AVAILABLE AS                GENERIC NAME             AVAILABLE AS
                                      ALPHA BLOCKERS                      Carvedilol             Coreg
                     Alfuzosin              Uroxatral                     Esmolol                Brevibloc
                     Doxazosin              Generic, Cardura              Labetalol              Generic, Normodyne, Trandate
                     Phenoxybenzamine       Dibenzyline                   Levobunolol            Betagan Liquifilm, others
                     Phentolamine           Generic                       Metipranolol           OptiPranolol
                     Prazosin               Generic, Minipress            Metoprolol             Generic, Lopressor, Toprol
                     Silodosin              Rapaflo                       Nadolol                Generic, Corgard
                     Tamsulosin             Flomax                        Nebivolol              Bystolic
                     Terazosin              Generic, Hytrin               Penbutolol             Levatol
                     Tolazoline             Priscoline                    Pindolol               Generic, Visken
                                       BETA BLOCKERS                      Propranolol            Generic, Inderal
                     Acebutolol             Generic, Sectral              Sotalol                Generic, Betapace
                     Atenolol               Generic, Tenormin             Timolol                 
                     Betaxolol                                              Oral                 Generic, Blocadren
                       Oral                 Kerlone                         Ophthalmic           Generic, Timoptic
                       Ophthalmic           Generic, Betoptic                      TYROSINE HYDROXYLASE INHIBITOR
                     Bisoprolol             Generic, Zebeta               Metyrosine             Demser
                       Oral                 Cartrol
                       Ophthalmic           Generic, Ocupress
                    * In the USA.

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