Page 63 - Basic _ Clinical Pharmacology ( PDFDrive )
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CHAPTER 3 Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics: Rational Dosing & the Time Course of Drug Action 49
100 the drug to distribute from plasma to the site of action. This will
be the case for almost all drugs. The delay due to distribution is
a pharmacokinetic phenomenon that can account for delays of a
80 few minutes. This distributional process can account for the short
delay of effects after rapid intravenous injection of central nervous
system (CNS)–active agents such as thiopental.
Some drugs bind tightly to receptors, and it is the half-life of
dissociation that determines the delay in effect, eg, for digoxin.
40 Note that it is the dissociation process that controls the time to
receptor equilibrium. This is exactly the same principle as the
elimination process controlling the time to accumulate to steady
20 state with a constant rate infusion (see Figure 3–3).
A common reason for more delayed drug effects—especially
those that take many hours or even days to occur—is the slow
0 turnover of a physiologic substance that is involved in the expres-
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
sion of the drug effect. For example, warfarin works as an anti-
Conc Effect
coagulant by inhibiting vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR) in
the liver. This action of warfarin occurs rapidly, and inhibition of
FIGURE 3–5 Time course (hours) of angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitor concentrations and effects. The blue line the enzyme is closely related to plasma concentrations of warfarin.
shows the plasma enalapril concentrations in nanograms per milliliter The clinical effect of warfarin, eg, on the international normal-
after a single oral dose. The red line indicates the percentage ized ratio (INR), reflects a decrease in the concentration of the
inhibition of its target, ACE. Note the different shapes of the prothrombin complex of clotting factors. Inhibition of VKOR
concentration-time course (exponentially decreasing) and the decreases the synthesis of these clotting factors, but the complex
effect-time course (linearly decreasing in its central portion). has a long half-life (about 14 hours), and it is this half-life that
determines how long it takes for the concentration of clotting
factors to reach a new steady state and for a drug effect to reflect
the average warfarin plasma concentration.
extent of inhibition, is 100% and the C , the concentration of
enalapril associated with 50% of maximum effect, is 5 ng/mL. Cumulative Effects
Note that plasma concentrations of enalapril change by a factor
of eight over the first 12 hours (three half-lives) after the peak, but Some drug effects are more obviously related to a cumulative
ACE inhibition has only decreased by about 30%. Because the action than to a rapidly reversible one. The renal toxicity of ami-
concentrations over this time are so high in relation to the C , noglycoside antibiotics (eg, gentamicin) is greater when admin-
the effect on ACE is almost constant. After 24 hours, ACE is still istered as a constant infusion than with intermittent dosing. It
about 25% inhibited. This explains why a drug with a short half- is the accumulation of aminoglycoside in the renal cortex that is
life can be given once a day and still maintain its effect throughout thought to cause renal damage. Even though both dosing schemes
the day. The key factor is a high initial concentration in relation to produce the same average steady-state concentration, the intermit-
the C . Even though the plasma concentration at 24 hours is only tent dosing scheme produces much higher peak concentrations,
about 1% of its peak, this low concentration is still around half which saturate an uptake mechanism into the cortex; thus, total
the C . Once-a-day dosing is common for drugs with minimal aminoglycoside accumulation is less. The difference in toxicity is a
adverse effects related to peak concentrations that act on enzymes predictable consequence of the different patterns of concentration
(eg, ACE inhibitors) or compete at receptors (eg, propranolol). and the saturable uptake mechanism.
When concentrations are in the range between four times and The effect of many drugs used to treat cancer also reflects a
one fourth of the C , the time course of effect is essentially a lin- cumulative action—eg, the extent of binding of a drug to DNA is
ear function of time. It takes four half-lives for concentrations to proportional to drug concentration and is usually irreversible. The
drop from an effect of 80% to 20% of E max —15% of the effect is effect on tumor growth is therefore a consequence of cumulative
lost every half-life over this concentration range. At concentrations exposure to the drug. Measures of cumulative exposure, such as
below one fourth the C , the effect becomes almost directly pro- AUC, provide a means to individualize treatment.
portional to concentration, and the time course of drug effect will
follow the exponential decline of concentration. It is only when THE TARGET CONCENTRATION
the concentration is low in relation to the C that the concept of APPROACH TO DESIGNING A
a “half-life of drug effect” has any meaning.
Delayed Effects A rational dosage regimen is based on the assumption that there
Changes in drug effects are often delayed in relation to changes in is a target concentration that will produce the desired thera-
plasma concentration. This delay may reflect the time required for peutic effect. By considering the pharmacokinetic factors that