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                       C ASE  STUD Y  ANSWER

                       Acetaminophen (APAP) is a relatively safe drug, provided   liver cell damage. Moreover, HCV infection could indeed
                       it  is  taken  at  the  recommended  therapeutic  doses.  As   have further compromised liver function including drug
                       discussed in the text, at normally ingested dosages, 95%   metabolism.  APAP’s  half-life  is  2  hours,  and  therapeutic
                       of APAP is converted by phase II enzymes into much   and toxic blood levels are 15 mcg/mL and > 300 mcg/mL,
                       less toxic and more water-soluble APAP-glucuronide and   respectively (Chapter 3). Given that at 48 hours after inges-
                       APAP-sulfate, both of which are eliminated in the urine   tion (ie, 24 half-lives later), the patient’s APAP blood level
                       (Figure 4–5). Five percent of parent APAP is converted by   is 75 mcg/mL, it is obvious that her initial APAP levels
                       phase I P450 enzymes into a reactive toxic product that is   were dangerously above the toxic range, and thus upon ED
                       conjugated by GSH, excreted in the urine, and thus detoxi-  admission, her liver function tests are consistent with
                       fied. However, APAP’s safety may be greatly compromised   ongoing liver failure. She should be given N-acetylcysteine,
                       in mixed drug overdoses, ie, when ingested with other drugs   the APAP-specific antidote (Acetadote, Mucomyst; see
                       such as hydrocodone, duloxetine, and carisoprodol, which   Chapter 58) and continuous intravenous glucose infusion to
                       compete with APAP for phase II-dependent elimination or   provide the precursor (glucose) for generating the UDPGA
                       for cellular cofactors (GSH, UDPGA, PAPS) involved in   cofactor required for APAP glucuronidation, as well as the
                       these processes. Accordingly, more APAP is diverted into   fluid to induce urine output and accelerate APAP-metabolite
                       its hepatotoxic reactive metabolite pathway, resulting in   elimination.
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