Page 234 - Anatomi-dan-Fisiologi-Manusia-Komprehensif
P. 234

  Anatomi Fisiologi Manusia  

                                                 Daftar Pustaka

               Gerard Tortora, 2014, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology,.

               Sanders Tina, Scanlon Valerie, 2006, Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

               Saladin, 2003, Anatomy and Physiology – The Unity of Form and Function.

               Rizzo C Donald, 2015, Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology.

               Marieb Elaine Nicpon, 2013, Human Anatomy and Physiology

               Seeley's,  2014, Anatomy & Physiology, Ed. Ke-10.

               Gunstream Stanley, 2015, Anatomy and Physiology with Integrated Study.

               Carson, The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System (4E).

               Rodney Rhoades, David R Bell, 2013, Medical physiology principles for clinical medicine.

               Sue Longenbaker, 2010, Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology Ed. Ke-7.

               Sherwood,  L . 2001, Fisiologi Manusia Dari Sel ke Sistem ( terjemahan ), Edisi 2. Jakarta, ECG

               Eleine Nicpon Mareib, 2013, Human anatomy and Physicology.

               Phillip E. Pack, 2007, Cliffs Anatomy and Phisiology, New York.

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