Page 140 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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120    CHAPTER 5

                   INTRODUCTION                                         The term helminths refers to worm-shaped organ-
                                                                    isms and are commonly referred to in lay terms as worms
                   This chapter is intended to lay the groundwork for   when one thinks of parasitic infections particularly of
                   specific presentations of species of each of these   the gastrointestinal tract. There is a significant social im-
                   three morphological types of “worms.” The materials   pact placed on entire countries and regions of the world
                   presented here basically discuss the history of major   where these parasites are found. Ecological and environ-
                   helminths and measures intended to eradicate them.   mental conditions that contribute to the increase of and
                   Some of these parasites that inhabit various body organs   prevalence of the “worms” are discussed in general in
                   have been well-known for centuries if not longer, and   this chapter. Some of these organisms have complex life
                   evidence of some of them exist in anthropological   cycles that utilize a reservoir and a host in order to com-
                   findings. When the student becomes acquainted in a   plete a life cycle and to infest other organisms. Some are
                   general fashion regarding these types of parasites, it   even self-infective, where a human may serve in a man-
                   is easier to distinguish them as to general types during   ner as dual roles of both reservoir and host. Helminths
                   further studies in subsequent chapters. Some specific   consist of three basic groups: round worm (nematodes),
                   species are introduced in this chapter, but will be   flat worm (cestode), and fluke (trematode) (Table 5-1).
                   covered in depth later for information related to signs   These three groups are characterized by distinctive ana-
                   and symptoms, recovery of the organisms, and the   tomic differences and will be discussed in general in this
                   identification of the various species.           section.

                    TABLE 5-1  Classification of Helminths

                    PHYLUM              CLASS           ATTRIBUTES                    EXAMPLES OF SPECIES
                    Aschelminthes       Nematoda        Intestinal involvement of host  Enterobius vermicularis
                                                                                       Ascaris lumbricoides
                                                                                       Trichuris trichiura (trichiura)
                                                                                       Ancylostoma duodenale
                                                                                       Necator americanus
                                                                                       Strongyloides stercoralis
                                                        Blood and tissues              Trichinella spiralis
                                                                                       Wuchereria bancrofti
                                                                                       Dracunculus medinensis
                                                                                       Brugia sp.
                                                                                       Loa loa
                                                                                       Oncocerca volvulus
                                                                                       Mansonella sp.
                    Platyhelminthes     Trematoda                                      Fasciolopsis buski
                                                                                       Heterophyes heterophyes
                                                                                       Metagonimus yokogawai
                                                                                       Fasciola hepatica
                                                                                       Clonorchis sinensis
                                                                                       Paragonimus westermani
                                                                                       Schistosoma sp.
                                        Cestoda                                        Diphyllobothrium latum
                                                                                       Taenia sp.
                                                                                       Hymenolepsis sp.
                                                                                       Dipylidium caninum
                                                                                       Echinococcus sp.
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