Page 136 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 136

116    CHAPTER 4


                   The varieties of parasites that infect cells of the blood   headaches, nausea, flulike sensations, and bone pain in
                   are many. In addition, their life cycles are complex for   more advanced cases. Fevers may cause shaking chills,
                   many of them, and some stages may be lived outside   followed by a fever of up to 40 C or 104 F. The fever
                   the host and in the intermediate host. Examination of a   cycle, along with blood smear examinations are useful in
                   stained smear with a combination of Wright-Giemsa or   identifying species of malaria.
                   with Giemsa stain alone will yield the best information.   Babeosis is also a disease in which a number (more
                   Remember, the morphology of parasites is best seen with   than 100) of various species exist. Only a few species,
                   Giemsa stain, as the definition and clarity is not as good   however, are responsible for the majority of disease from
                   with Wright stain, which is best for blood cell morphol-  this organism, and vary by region. Babesia microti is pri-
                   ogy. These stains are useful for detecting various species   marily the species found in the northeast, the Midwest,
                   of malaria (Falciparum), Babesia, Trypanosoma, Leish-  and a couple of West Coast states. Another substantial
                   mania, and some species of microfilaria. Wet mounts are   contributor to this infection is blood transfusions and a
                   useful for certain characteristics observed in intracellular   few cases of intrauterine, transplacental transmission to
                   parasites, but permanent, fixed stains are also necessary   fetuses. Babeosis is passed to humans through the bite
                   for definitive identification. Thick smears, where the red   of the deer tick, and symptoms are sometimes so mild as
                   blood cells are destroyed, are followed by stained, thin   to be ignored, but fever, joint myalgia, arthralgia, nausea,
                   smears for most of these parasites.              and vomiting may be present.
                       Blood and other tissue flagellates include Leish-  Filarial worms and lymphatic filariasis sometimes
                   mania and Trypanosoma, but these are quite different   cause a condition called elephantiasis. The superfamily
                   from the flagellated amoebae that may inhabit the in-  Filarioidea contains a number of nematodal organisms
                   testines. A major difference is that a vector, an insect, is   that reside in tissues of the human body, of which the
                   necessary for the transmission of these two organisms.   species Wuchereria bancrofti is the major infection caus-
                   Trypanosoma cruzi is the major organism of this genus   ing the presence of microfilaria, or small roundworms.
                   and may include intracellular organisms in macrophages,   The larvae transmit the disease to humans most often
                   liver cells, spleen cells, and bone marrow. Three major   through mosquito bites, but may also be transmitted by
                   species of Leishmania exist, based on their geographic   sand gnats, tabanid flies, blackflies, and other insects.
                   location. Dogs and various species of rodents are the res-  Another dreaded organism with widespread impact
                   ervoir hosts, whereas sandflies of two different genera are   is that of the organism Dracunculus medinensis, which is
                   capable of transmitting the organism.            known as the guinea worm. This parasite is common in
                       Malaria is the major category of parasitic infections   the subcutaneous tissues and muscles of mostly humans
                   that occur in the blood. These four species are prevalent   and dogs. Dracunculiasis is a disease that causes cuta-
                   based on their location, with Plasmodium falciparum   neous nodules which become open ulcers. At this time
                   as the major causative organism for the infection of hu-  the caudal or tail end of the adult female worm begins to
                   mans. It should be remembered that there are many   protrude from the host animal’s body, most often involv-
                   species of malaria, some of which are found in certain   ing the feet and lower limbs. The infective stage of the
                   birds and animals, and are species from which humans   offspring of this organism is released into water, where
                   possess natural immunity. The clinical symptoms of ma-  the parasites can find new hosts.
                   laria are significant, with paroxysms of fever that include
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