Page 134 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 134

114    CHAPTER 4

                                                                    MANSONELLA OZZARDI
                       MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC
                                   FEATURE                          Mansonella ozzardi is the only filarial infection by nema-
                                                                    todes in the New World, and is found primarily in Central
                                                                    America and South America as well as in the Caribbean
                    General                                         Islands. The organism invades the body cavities and the
                    Classification—Nematode (tissue)                fatty tissue of the viscera and mesentery of and around
                                                                    the organs of the abdomen.
                    Organism             Mansonella
                    Specimen Required   Skin snips soaked in        Morphology
                                                                    The adult female worms of M. ozzardi measure 65 to
                    Stage                Adult
                                                                    80 mm, whereas the male most often ranges from only
                    Size                   Adults are 180–240 μm
                                         in length                  24 to 28 mm in length. The microfilariae are unsheathed
                                                                    but migrate through the tissues of the skin before enter-
                    Shape                Unsheathed
                                         microfilariae              ing the blood circulation. The larvae are nonperiodic
                                                                    and are roughly 88 μm in length.
                    Body nuclei            Continuous in a single
                                         column to tip of tail
                    Other Features         Partial coil of tail is   Symptoms
                                         known as “shepherd’s
                                         crook”                     Most victims of this infection are asymptomatic or ex-
                                                                    perience rather mild symptoms. As with other filarial
                                                                    disorders, symptoms may be exaggerated in those who
                                                                    are not natives of the endemic area. Rarely, lympha-
                   is a side effect of both of these drugs. In endemic areas,   denopathy, fever, marked eosinophilia, pruritis, and
                   vector control would be advisable, but is rarely practiced.   skin lesions are experienced by the victims of M. ozzardi
                   Insect repellent may prevent a great number of the bites   infections.
                   but bed netting to prevent bites from the infected midges
                   is not very effective as the midges are so small they can   Life Cycle
                   pass through the netting.
                                                                    The mature worms of M. ozzardi inhabit the mesentery
                   SEROUS CAVITY FILARIASIS                         and visceral fat surrounding the abdominal organs. The
                                                                    mature female worms produce unsheathed microfilariae,
                   Two species of filarial parasites primarily infect the se-  which migrate through tissues of the skin and enter the
                   rous cavities of the human body. The two species that are   circulating blood, are ingested by the feeding midge (genus
                   considered to be parasites of serous cavities are: Man-  Culicoides) and are not periodic in their times of activity or
                   sonella perstans and Mansonella ozzardi. Mansonella   appearance. In some regions, the blackflies (Simulium) are
                   perstans is another human filarial nematode transmitted   the primary vectors for the organism. Inside the insect the
                   by a fly called a midge, an extremely tiny bloodsucking   infective larvae ingested from the host undergo further de-
                   fly. Mansonella perstans is one of the two parasites that   velopment and are then passed on to the next host. Again,
                   lead to “serous cavity filariasis” in humans. Mansonella   humans are the only known host for this organism.
                   ozardi is the other parasite that produces serous cavity
                   filariasis. Infections by M. perstans produce more benign   Disease Transmission
                   conditions than those of W. bancrofti, B. malayi, and
                   Loa loa. Mansonella perstans is prevalent in Sub- Saharan   M. perstans infection rates are high in endemic areas. The
                   Africa, as well as areas of the New World (Central and   disease is acquired when bitten by an infected midge of
                   South America, Caribbean) but both species occupy   the genus Cullicoides, except in the Amazon River basin
                     areas of the Congo River basin of West Africa.  where the vector is the blackfly.
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