Page 155 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 155



                                        Intestinal Nematodes

                   LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                   Upon completion of this chapter, the learner will be expected to:

                   ■    Trace the life cycle for Ascaris lumbricoides
                   ■    Describe the phenomenon where A. lumbricoides eggs may be found in the sputum
                   ■    Relate the health manifestations of a heavy infection by A. lumbricoides
                   ■    Discuss damage to the intestinal mucosa caused by A. lumbricoides and the two major hookworms

                   KEY TERMS

                   Ascariasis                      Dysentery                       Palpitations
                   Ascites                         Edema                           Protein deficiency
                   Bile                            Emaciation                      Pruritis
                   Biological life cycle           Eosinophilic enteritis          Sputum
                   Blastomeres                     Eosinophils                     Stratum corneum
                   Bronchi                         Epigastric                      Stratum germinativum
                   Bronchioles                     Esophagus                       Teres
                   Buccal                          Folic acid                      Thready pulse
                   Cardiac failure                 Ground itch                     Toe itch
                   Clay                            Hemorrhage                      Trachea
                   Coprolites                      Hyaline shell                   Translactational
                   Cryotherapy                     Iron supplements                Vascular system
                   Cutaneous larva migrans         Loamy soil                      Vitamin B
                   Defecate                        Ovum
                   Diarrhea                        Pallor

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