Page 158 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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138    CHAPTER 6

                   cellophane tape over a tongue blade into the perianal
                   folds late at night or before daylight affords the best op-  MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC
                   portunity of recovering evidence of infection. The slide         FEATURE
                   is then examined microscopically for the typical ova and
                   four to six slides collected at different times should be
                   performed before ruling out the infection. Occasionally   General Classification—Pinworm,
                   the adult worm will also be found on the slide along with   (Nematode egg)
                   the  characteristic ova.                          Organism             Enterobius
                                                                     Specimen Required  Scotch tape prep
                                                                                          for eggs or worms
                                                                     Stage                Egg
                       MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC                        Size                 Ova are 50–60 μm 3
                                   FEATURE                                                20–30 μm
                                                                     Shape                Flattened on one
                                                                                          side, with a C-shaped
                    General Classification—Pinworm,                                       embryo in the egg
                    larval form                                      Shell                Thick, colorless

                    Organism             Enterobius vermicularis     Other Features       Partially embryonated
                                                                                          eggs may develop to
                    Specimen Required  Feces
                                                                                          an infectious stage
                    Stage                Diagnostic specimens                             within approximately
                                         include ova or adult                             six hours
                                         female “worms”
                                                                                E. vermicularis
                    Size                 Worms—Male adult
                                         range from 2–5 mm                         Ovum, embryonated
                                         with curved posterior                                                    Delmar/Cengage Learning
                                         and the adult female
                                         ranges from 8–13 mm
                                         with long pointed tail
                                         and three cuticle lips
                    Shape                Long, pointed, and
                                         pinlike morphology         Treatment and Prevention
                    Motility             Sluggish motility
                                         when viewed in fecal       The physician will most likely request a procedure to
                                         specimen                   test a sample of the patient’s feces to make a positive
                    Other Features       May also be found in       identi fication of pinworms as the cause for symptoms of
                                         vaginal area of female     infection. Medication is available to kill the worms and
                                         children; occasionally     this is usually prescribed for the infected person and all
                                         female adults along        members of the household. Usually one dose is followed
                                         with eggs may be
                                         found on Scotch            up with a second dose 2 weeks later to take care of any
                                         tape prep                    surviving worms. Although safe for humans, a prescrip-
                                                                    tion from the physician is required before starting the
                    E. vermicularis                                 medication. A repeat preparation should be examined
                                                                 Delmar/Cengage Learning  tion, regardless of whether they are experiencing symp-
                                   Adult Female worm                following completion of treatment to ensure complete
                                                                    eradication. All family members should take the medica-

                                                                    toms, because the condition is quite contagious and some
                                                                    are asymptomatic, showing no evidence of the common
                                                                    symptoms and signs of infection. Treatment for relieving
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