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58     CHAPTER 3

                   invaluable when faced with the task of identifying proto-
                   zoa of the human gastrointestinal tract.

                   BLASTOCYSTIS HOMINIS

                   Blastocystis is a single-celled parasite that infects the                                     Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                     gastrointestinal tract of humans and other animals. Many
                   different species of the Blastocystis genus exist and are
                   prevalent in not only humans but also are found to  infect
                   farm animals, birds, various rodents, amphibians, rep-
                   tiles, fish, and even insects such as cockroaches. This
                   provides for a wide variety of reservoirs from which
                                                                    FIGURE 3-15  Blastocystis hominis cyst-like forms in
                   humans may become infected. The disease known as
                                                                    wet mounts stained with iodine
                   blastocystosis is often accompanied by symptoms of con-
                   stipation,  diarrhea, and other abdominal distress. These
                   symptoms are also found in a number of other  intestinal   considerable difficulty in identifying the organism as
                   disorders so the history of exposure to hosts and knowl-
                                                                    the causative organism for diarrhea. Four commonly
                   edge of a variety of environmental conditions may be   described forms are the vacuolar (otherwise known as
                     extremely important when attempting a diagnosis.
                                                                    central body), granular, amoeboid, and cyst forms, which
                                                                    appear to be mostly dependent upon environmental
                   Morphology                                       conditions due to an extreme sensitivity to oxygen lev-
                                                                    els (Figure 3-15). Whether all four of these forms exist
                   Originally Blastocystis was classified as a yeast form   concurrently in the host intestine has not definitely been
                    because of its appearance as a round, yeast-like glistening   demonstrated.
                   image when examined in fresh wet mounts. Initially no   This organism is challenging in the preventive
                   amoeboid characteristics were observed such as pseudo-  steps that must be taken to avoid the diversity and num-
                   podia for locomotion. Later investigation by C. H. Zierdt   bers of potential hosts that may transmit the organism
                   led to reclassification under the subphylum Sporozoa   and with which almost everyone at some time has had
                   based on some features of the Blastocystis cell that are   contact. Most species of Blastocystis found in mammals
                   similar to that of Protista. This decision was based on   and birds are able to cause infection in humans. Along
                   the presence of an organized nucleus, smooth and rough   with its challenging nature, even its classification has
                   endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, mitochondrion-  proved challenging. Blastocystis was originally classified
                   like organelles, and pseudopodia. Its sensitivity to anti-  as a yeast organism due to its appearance, but later and
                   protozoal drugs and its inability to grow on fungal media   after further study was reclassified as a protozoan. For
                   further indicated that it was a protozoan (Brumpt, 1912)   many years, scientists believed one species of Blastocystis
                   rather than one of the yeasts. Eventually further revi-  infected humans, whereas different species of Blastocys-
                   sions were made and more recently the classification of   tis infected other animals. This led the investigators to
                     Blastocystis was based on modern molecular approaches   call Blastocystis found in humans by the term Blastocys-
                   to classification, through which these studies have   tis hominis (hominis for human) and ascribed different
                   shown that Blastocystis is neither a yeast nor a protozoan.   species names to Blastocystis from other animals, for
                   It has now been placed in a new kingdom known as the   example Blastocystis ratti from rats. Analysis of genetic
                   stramenopiles. Other stramenopiles include brown  algae,   characteristics of B. hominis has proven that the organ-
                   mildew, diatoms, the organism that caused the Irish   ism does not have a single entity or dedicated single spe-
                     potato famine, and the organism responsible for sudden   cies of Blastocystis that infects humans. It is believed that
                   oak death disease.                               there are perhaps as many as nine distinct “species” of
                       Considerable diversity appears in the morpho-  Blastocystis (as defined by genetic differences) that can
                   logical forms in which Blastocystis exists, providing for   infect humans.
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