Page 11 - Honda Civic
P. 11


                      Main Menu     Table of Contents
                   Important Safety Precautions

                   You’ll find many safety           (see pages 35  ʵ 52  ).            Control Your Speed
                   recommendations throughout this                                      Excessive speed is a major factor in
                   section, and throughout this manual.  Be Aware of Airbag Hazards     crash injuries and deaths. Generally,
                   Therecommendationsonthispage      While airbags can save lives, they  the higher the speed, the greater the
                   are the ones we consider to be the  can cause serious or fatal injuries to  risk, but serious injuries can also
                   most important.                   occupants who sit too close to them,  occur at lower speeds. Never drive
                                                     or are not properly restrained.    faster than is safe for current
                   Always Wear Your Seat Belt        Infants, young children, and short  conditions, regardless of the
                   A seat belt is your best protection in  adults are at the greatest risk. Be  maximum speed posted.
                   all types of collisions. Airbags are  sure to follow all instructions and
                   designed to supplement seat belts,  warnings in this manual.         Keep Your Vehicle in Safe
                   not replace them. So even though                                     Condition
                   your vehicle is equipped with airbags,  Don’t Drink and Drive        Having a tire blowout or a
                   make sure you and your passengers  Alcohol and driving don’t mix. Even  mechanical failure can be extremely
                   always wear your seat belts, and  one drink can reduce your ability to  hazardous. To reduce the possibility
                   wear them properly (see page 16  ).  respond to changing conditions, and  of such problems, check your tire
                                                     your reaction time gets worse with  pressures and condition frequently,
                   Restrain All Children             every additional drink. So don’t drink  and perform all regularly scheduled
                   Children age 12 and under should  and drive, and don’t let your friends  maintenance (see page 181  ).
                   ride properly restrained in a back  drink and drive, either.
                   seat, not the front seat. Infants and
                   smallchildrenshouldbe restrained
                   in a child seat. Larger children
                   should use a booster seat and a lap/
                   shoulder belt until they can use the
                   belt properly without a booster seat

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