Page 16 - Honda Civic
P. 16


                      Main Menu     Table of Contents
                                                                                       Protecting Adults and Teens

                   Introduction                                                         2. Adjust the Front Seats
                   The following pages provide
                   instructions on how to properly   Your vehicle has a door-open
                   protect the driver, adult passengers,  indicator on the instrument panel to
                   and teenage children who are large  indicate when any door is not tightly                             Driver
                   enough and mature enough to drive  closed.
                   or ride in the front.
                                                     Locking the doors reduces the
                   See pages 35  ʵ 52  for important  chance of someone being thrown out                                 and Passenger
                   guidelines on how to properly     of the vehicle during a crash, and it
                   protect infants, small children, and  helps prevent passengers from
                   larger children who ride in your  accidentally opening a door and
                   vehicle.                          falling out.                                                        Safety

                   1. Close and Lock the Doors       Locking the doors also helps prevent  Adjust the driver’s seat as far to the
                   After everyone has entered the    an outsider from unexpectedly      rear as possible while allowing you to
                   vehicle, be sure the doors are closed  opening a door when you come to a  maintain full control of the vehicle.
                   and locked.                       stop.                              Have a front passenger adjust their
                                                                                        seat as far to the rear as possible.
                                                     See page 78  for how to lock the
                                                     doors, and page 62  for how the door-
                                                     open indicator works.
                                                     Some models have auto door
                                                     locking/unlocking features. See
                                                     page 79  for how to set them.                            CONTINUED

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