Page 21 - Honda Civic
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Protecting Adults and Teens
In addition, an occupant who is out of Advice for Pregnant Women When driving, remember to sit
position in the front seat can be upright and adjust the seat as far
seriously or fatally injured in a crash back as possible while allowing full
by striking interior parts of the control of the vehicle. When riding
vehicle or being struck by an as a front passenger, adjust the seat
inflating front airbag. as far back as possible.
This will reduce the risk of injuries
to both you and your unborn child
Sitting improperly or out of that can be caused by a crash or an
position can result in serious inflating front airbag.
injury or death in a crash.
Each time you have a checkup, ask
Always sit upright, well back in your doctor if it’s okay for you to
the seat, with your feet on the If you are pregnant, the best way to drive.
floor. protect yourself and your unborn
child when driving or riding in a
vehicle is to always wear a seat belt,
and keep the lap part of the belt as
low as possible across the hips.