Page 20 - Honda Civic
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Protecting Adults and Teens
Never place the shoulder portion of a 6. Maintain a Proper Sitting
lap/shoulder belt under your arm or Position
behind your back. This could cause After all occupants have adjusted
very serious injuries in a crash. their seats and put on seat belts, it is
very important that they continue to Driver
If a seat belt does not seem to work sit upright, well back in their seats,
as it should, it may not protect the with their feet on the floor, until the
occupant in a crash. vehicle is parked and the engine is
off. and Passenger
No one should sit in a seat with an
inoperative seat belt. Using a seat Sitting improperly can increase the
belt that is not working properly can chance of injury during a crash. For
result in serious injury or death. example, if an occupant slouches, Safety
The front seats have adjustable seat Have your dealer check the belt as lies down, turns sideways, sits
belt anchors. To adjust the height of soon as possible. forward, leans forward or sideways,
an anchor, press and hold the release or puts one or both feet up, the
button and slide the anchor up or See page 22 for additional chance of injury during a crash is
down as needed (it has four information about your seat belts greatly increased.
positions). and how to take care of them.