Page 19 - Honda Civic
P. 19


                      Main Menu     Table of Contents
                   Protecting Adults and Teens

                   5. Fasten and Position the Seat
                   Insert the latch plate into the buckle,                                Improperly positioning the seat
                   then tug on the belt to make sure the                                  belts can cause serious injury
                   belt is securely latched. Check that                                   or death in a crash.
                   the belt is not twisted, because a
                   twisted belt can cause serious                                         Make sure all seat belts are
                   injuries in a crash.                                                   properly positioned before

                                                                                        If the seat belt touches or crosses
                                                                                        your neck, or if it crosses your arm
                                                     Position the lap part of the belt as  instead of your shoulder, you need to
                                                     low as possible across your hips,  adjust the seat belt anchor height.
                                                     then pull up on the shoulder part of
                                                     the belt so the lap part fits snugly.  If necessary, pull up on the belt again
                                                     This lets your strong pelvic bones  to remove any slack, then check that
                                                     take the force of a crash and reduces  the belt rests across the center of
                                                     the chance of internal injuries.   your chest and over your shoulder.
                                                                                        This spreads the forces of a crash
                                                                                        over the strongest bones in your
                                                                                        upper body.

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