Page 4 - Kgoshi Newsletter 2022
P. 4
4 The NewsleTTer, JuNe 2018
South African celebrate Heritage Day by re- Heritage not only refers to our historical in-
membering the cultural heritage of the many heritance, creative expression and food, but it
diverse cultures that make up the population of also embraces the various languages that have
South African people. Various events are staged become entrenched in our culture.
throughout the country to commemorate this
day and month. Kgoshi Properties students celebrated heritage
by showcasing different cultural dance, poetry
Heritage Day is one of the newly created South and creative expression of traditional food that
African public holidays. It is a day in which all are was prepared by Tsonga group.
encouraged to celebrate their cultural traditions Kgoshi Properties students were proud to cele-
in the wider context of the great diversity of brate their heritage and voiced their opinion on
cultures, beliefs, and traditions that make up the what Heritage Day means to them.
nation of South Africa.
All three (3) buildings of Kgoshi properties have
free access to a Wi-Fi connection that will be
mounted in the common areas to increase the
speed of connectivity. Thus far, the Motampane
building has been completed with plans to
rollout at all Kgoshi Properties buildings as soon
as possible. We further encourage students not
to share our username and password, to access
this service and will be allocated an internet us-
age policy to advise on acceptable use and any
banned content.