Page 5 - Kgoshi Newsletter 2022
P. 5
StockInDeSIgn: the LAB of InDeSIgn tempLAteS 5
We take pride in providing a safe and welcom-
ing environment at all of our buildings. To that
end, Kgoshi is in the the process of installing
CCTV’S (some already in place) to ensure your
security and safety. The CCTVs are carefully
managed by Kgoshi Management to ensure
residents’ privacy.
Students are also requested to stay vigilant at
all times and those traveling at night to await
their transport within the Kgoshi Properties
Maintenance and repairs are carried out by our
staff or approved contractors. All repairs should
be reported at the Res manager’s office. Res-
idents must therefore expect a Maintenance
Team member or a contractor to enter your
property to repair the fault. In an emergency, for
example a flood, we may enter your accommo-
dation without prior notice. Should any student
require assistance with maintenance you are wel-
come to send message in the whatsapp group
How to complain or write in the Kgoshi Properties maintenance
Kgoshi Properties endevours at all times to
provide good service to it’s residents and FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENTS
will therefore appreciate feedback. If you Tampering with any fire safety equipment (e.g.,
have a complaint the first thing you should malicious use of fire alarms, unnecessarily dis-
do is talk to a member of staff. Many com- charging fire extinguishers, propping open fire
plaints are the result of simple misunder- doors or capping smoke detectors) is a serious
standings and can quickly be resolved. A offence.
satisfaction survey of all students residing
in student accommodation will be carried
out annually.