Page 27 - for PDF DOWNLOAD Copy of 5.23.23 Final Copy of 2023 BUYERSHOME GUIDE
P. 27

W H A T   W I L L   T H E   L E N D E R

           R E Q U I R E   F O R   A   P R E - A P P R O V A L

       Your lender will request:

          1. W-2s and/or tax returns for the past 3


         2. Bank statements with proof of funds
            from the past 60 days.

         3. Your social security number and

            permission to pull your credit report.

         4. Proof of employment and recent


          5. Valid identification ( Driver License, SSN,


         6. A liable, updated profit and loss

            statement if you are self-employed from

            a Tax Professional.

         7. Down payment funds (verification of

            source and amount)

         8. Asset information (bank statements,


         9. If you are applying for a VA loan- A copy

            of your DD-214 discharge and certificate

            of Elegibility

        10. Loan Application filled out and


         11. Urgency by YOU to provide all
            documents quickly to get the loan

            process iniated!
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