Page 18 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 18

                                                    25 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES



                  CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2024!

                  Congrats on collecting the fanciest piece of paper you’ll ever own!
           The 2024 Graduates are the future of transformation and excellence.

                  Toss those caps in the air as if you didn't care! Graduation is a
           significant milestone in a person's life. Graduation is an accomplishment
           that merits gratitude and support, or the pomp and fanfare of a college
           commencement. It is more vital than ever to recognize and make the special
           graduate in your life feel exceptionally special. We, the School of Business
           and Management are all so proud of you. Now that you’ve got your degree,
           now that you’ve graduated, maybe you will be smart enough to figure out
           how to step up from who you used to be as a person and as future
           professionals. We don’t know how you managed to get your degree with all
           the partying, drinking, socializing, and extracurricular activities, but we’re
           glad you did.

                  Today proves something have always known about all of you. You’re
           all pretty smart in your field. As you graduate don’t forget to thank those
           who helped you get here. You can achieve whatever you want in life as long
           as you believe and we believe in all of you. It seems like just yesterday you
           were just a 1st year college. Now, you’re a confident young man and
           women about to receive your diplomas. It’s been our joy to watch you grow
           and achieve so much these past four years. You were all created to excel.
           You are now ready to conquer the world of uncertainties and face
           challenges as young professionals. The School of Business and Management
           faculty and staff will always be your home; will always be your molder and
           guide. In SBM, We don’t choose but we select the best!

                  Lastly, the future holds no promises, but rather mysteries and
           surprises. What you’ve learned will prepare you for both.

                  Congratulations and all the best for the future.

            (Sgd.) JULITO V. MANDAC, JR., DM
            Dean, School of Business and Management

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