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identification. Identification paragraphs generally consist of one or two
sentences. It is usually used as an opening sentence to get the reader's
attention and interest. Then, it also displays a topic/theme to be discussed
or described. To make identification paragraphs more interesting and to
attract readers' interest, it is better to use adjectives. Comparable
identification sentences to use
Social media is really popular in the era of information and
communication technology
Computer is a high-tech device
Communism can be a challenging ideology
As described earlier, to have more interest is very important and
therefore the use of adjectives is required except for adverbs. For example,
a description of a place such as the state University of Jakarta can also be
described using the items provided: location, transportation, facilities and
equipment provided, weather and supporting areas etc.
Linguistic Features
a. Relevant grammatical patterns
The grammatical patterns of certain writing genres seem to have
more specific differences and features. This happens because different
genres of writing will produce different things in terms of different
communicative purposes, readers, and contexts in terms of when it
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