Page 15 - MNLGA Free State Spring 2024_WEB SPREADS
P. 15

IT'S TIME FOR SHARING A Jerry Faulring                               his article was first published in the

                                                                      Spring 2012 edition of Free State News.
 The Soil Food Web                                            TMuch has changed since then in the

                                                              world of soil health, and at least some of you
                                                              were not working in our field at the time.

                                                              I have read The Furrow magazine by John

                                                              Deere and Successful Farming magazine for
                                                              decades. Back in 2012, there was a rare article
                                                              dealing with soil health. In a recent issue of The

                                                              Furrow, 4 of the 8 articles focused on cover
                                                              crops, soil health, no till soil management,
                                                              and strip tilling. Likewise, the recent edition of

                                                              Successful Farming published 2 of 6 articles on
                                                              the same topics. All of these articles fall under
                                                              the umbrella of soil health.

                                                              Agriculture is starting to embrace soil health
                                                              as a means of reducing crop input costs while
                                                              increasing yields. This article focuses on how

                                                              healthy soil can be archived in the nursery
                                                              and landscape. I have written extensively how
                                                              we use organics as a substitute for synthetic

                                                              fertilizer and a unique tillage tool from The
                                                              Netherlands (rotary spade plow) to improve
                                                              our soils. The results have been remarkable in

                                                              many ways.

                                                              It is interesting to note why we engaged
                                                              organics and also how we may have missed

                                                              the opportunity. Winter damage to broadleaf
                                                              plants and some conifers started the process.

                                                              If we had only been growing deciduous plants,
                                                              we may have never seen the need.

                                                              The information below tells the story of how
                                                              healthy soil works to provide nutrition to our

                                                              plants. A future article will review how to make
                                                              and use compost to achieve positive results.

                                                                                                 (continued on next page )

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