Page 25 - MNLGA Free State Spring 2024_WEB SPREADS
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MEMBER EVENT (Continued)                                                          Schuster and Heather Zindash for
 The second day of Chessie focused                                                 emceeing and keeping us all on track
 on technical recertification. The day                                             for two great days! It takes a village,
 started in the auditorium with several                                            and I am thankful you all are in this
 speakers discussing topics ranging                                                village with us.
 from “Your Fertilizer Toolbox” to                                                 Our sponsors are also an integral
 “Gall’s Gone Crazy.” The afternoon                                                part of this event, and we thank all
 was broken into 5 sessions: Nursery                                               those who support Chesapeake
 Grower and Landscape Contractor,                                                  Green and the MNLGA, annually.
 Greenhouse Growers, Turf Nutrient                                                 Thank you to our Wye Oak Annual
 Management, Weeds, and Aquatics.                                                  Sponsors, Black Eyed Susan Annual
 These sessions provided in-depth                                                  Sponsors and Chesapeake Green
 knowledge and practical insights into                                             Sponsors.
 the latest trends and challenges in
 the horticulture industry.                                                        Thank you for another outstanding
                                                                                   year and we hope to see you all
 Recertification credits were available                                            again at the Maritime Institute for
 each day of the symposium, and we                                                 Chesapeake Green 2025 on February
 pride ourselves on being your “one-                                               13 and 14. A
 stop-shop” for offering the credits
 you need. Chessie is much more than
 an educational conference, it’s a
 welcome gathering space for those
 across the industry. It’s so nice to sit
 back and watch all of you interact
 with one another, catch up on where
 life has taken you during the past
 year, discuss what’s going on at your                                               Lauren J. Bottcher
 various operations and swap tips                                                    Communications and Events Coordinator
 and tricks. It certainly makes months’                                    
 worth of planning worth it when you
 walk out on Friday afternoon, having
 signed your credit sheets, and been
                                                                    TOP ROW:
 empowered by what you’ve learned                                   Michigan State University, Professor Emeritus, Dr. Bridget K. Behe shares
 from those in our community.                                       with attendees.
                                                                    Symposium attendees listen intently.
 A huge thank you goes out to
                                                                    Michiel van der Waal and a colleague review their afternoon
 the members of the Education
 Committee. They are the heart
 and soul of this event. Thank you,                                 CENTER ROW:
 Angela Burke, Dave Clement (UME),                                  Keynote Speaker, Dan Benarcik sharing with attendees..
 Hank Doong, Stanton Gill (UME),                                    Symposium attendees taking part in afternoon sessions.
 Brett Karp, John Murphy, Karen Rane
 (UME), Andrew Ristvey (UME), Ginny                                 CENTER ROW:
                                                                    Cortland Smith from Walnut Springs Nursey presents on “Using
 Rosenkranz (UME), Chuck Schuster
                                                                    Annuals for Extra ‘Pop’ in your Landscape.
 (UME), Heather Zindash, Steve Dubik,
                                                                    Attendees place their final bids before the auction closes.
 Laura Hangmann and Cindy King.

 Please also join me in thanking Chuck

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