Page 30 - MNLGA Free State Spring 2024_WEB SPREADS
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GROWING WITH EDUCATION (Continued)                                                                                                                                                 has vanilla scented purple-pink blooms created from tiny
                                                                                                                                                                                           tubular flowers. The flowers are arranged in huge domed
        Eutrochium dubium, or Coastal Plains Joe Pye Weed, thrives in                                                                                                                      clusters that stretch 12-18 inches across blooming from July to
        full sun and partial shade, and needs rich fertile moist soils                                                                                                                     September. While in bloom, butterflies, skippers, moths and
        that stay wet. The plants grow 3-5 feet tall and 2-4 feet wide                                                                                                                     bees feast on the flower nectar and there are caterpillars
        with bright green 2-6 inch long coarsely toothed leaves that                                                                                                                       that thrive on the foliage. In the fall, the flowers mature into
        are arranged in whorls of 3-4 on purple spotted stems. Small                                                                                                                       a fruit called a cypsela that is bullet shaped with a tuft of
        disk flowers in dark purple to pale pink pack together in large                                                                                                                    hair to float on the breezes except for the ones that the birds
        dome shaped clusters, blooming from July to October and                                                                                                                            eat. The dark green 2-6-inch-long lance shaped leaves have
        attracting many pollinators including swallowtails, fritillaries,                                                                                                                  serrated margins and are attached in whorls of 3-4 around
        skippers and many species of bees. In the autumn, the tiny                                                                                                                         the purple stems. There are two cultivars, one named ‘Little
        seeds are enjoyed by many songbirds. Although the plants                                                                                                                           Red’, which blooms at the same time as the species but is
        need moist to wet soils, they are also able to tolerate salt air                                                                                                                   compact, growing only 3-4 feet tall. The sweetly scented
        and soils. Eutrochium dubium is also available in 2 cultivars.                                                                                                                     purple-pink flowers form a 4–6-inch domed compound
        ‘Baby Joe’ only reaches 2-3 feet tall and 1-2 feet wide. These                                                                                                                     cluster from July to September. The second is Euphoria Ruby,
        plants are upright and compact with a moderately vigorous                                                                                                                          a very compact upright version, growing only 2 ¾ feet tall
        growth and a freely flowering pattern with large purple                                                                                                                            and 2 ½ feet wide. Euphoria Ruby flowers have no sweet
        clusters held aloft with an upright stalk. ‘Little Joe’ is also                                                                                                                    scent but do create a domed cluster of flowers that are 10
        smaller than its parent plant, growing 3-4 feet tall and 1-3                                                                                                                       inches wide, bloom from July to September and stay on the
        feet wide. Besides the size difference, ‘Little Joe’ is stiffer and                                                                                                                plants through the winter. Both of the cultivars will thrive in
        more upright in its growth, the flower clusters are more                                                                                                                           rain gardens.
        compact, and a lighter colored lavender combined with
        better drought tolerance. ‘Little Joe’ doesn’t come true from                                                                                                                      Conoclinium coelestinum, or Blue Mist Flower, thrives in full
        seed which is similar to its native parent which produced it.                                                                                                                      sun or partial shade and prefers fertile moist soils that
        These smaller cultivars are excellent candidates to consider                                                                                                                       do not dry out. The plants grow in a clump 1 ½ - 3 feet tall
        for rain gardens.                                                                                                                                                                  and wide, with green 3-inch leaves with a serrated margin
                                                                                                                                                                                           growing on hairy stems that can be purple, lavender, red
        Eutrochium fistulosum, or Hollow Joe Pye Weed, thrives in full   PHOTOS ABOVE AND BELOW:   PHOTOS RIGHT; TOP TO BOTTOM:                                                            or burgundy in an opposite pattern. Blue Mist Flowers look
        sun to partial shade and prefers rich fertile moist soils that   Joe Pye Little Joe with butterfly  Helenium Helena Red Shades                                                     very similar to the annual ageratum and are sometimes
        stay wet. The plants can grow 4-7 feet tall and 2-4 feet wide   Conoclinium coelestinum  Blue mistflower  Rudbeckia Indian Summer                                                  called a hardy ageratum. The tiny fluffy tubular blue to blue-
        with an erect clump forming pattern, making a dramatic                                                                                                                             purple disc flowers bunch together to form a flat-topped
        accent in the back side of a landscape. Lance shaped 6-12                                                                                                                          cluster about ½ inch across. The flowers don’t all bloom at
        inch long, 3-inch-wide dark green leaves have coarsely                                                                                                                             the same time but stretch their colorful blooms for about 8
        serrated margins and are attached in a whorled pattern                                                                                                  Monarda Didyma Bee Blam Flower  weeks from July to October. While in bloom, many butterflies
        of 4-7 leaves. The sturdy green or purple round stems are                                                                                                                          like pearly crescents, skippers, swallowtails, queens and
        attached to the central dark purple stem that is hollow in                                                                                                                         monarchs feast on the flowers’ nectar. Other insects that
        the center. The vanilla scented soft pink lavender colored                                                                                                                         feed on the foliage become food for bluebirds, red winged
        floret 1/3 inch across joins together with 5-7 florets per cluster.                                                                                                                blackbirds and orioles. The flowers mature into fruit that
        Each segment of the domed cluster has 5-12 small clusters                                                                                                                          ripens around November and the seeds are very viable.
        to create a compound cluster which can grow 12-18 inches                                                                                                                           The plants themselves grow vigorously and spread by
        across. Flowers bloom July to October, a time when very little                                                                                                                     underground strongly aggressive rhizomes. Dead heading
        is in bloom, and provides flower nectar for many pollinators                                                                                                                       is recommended before the plants go to seed to slow the
        from butterflies to bees and more. Perl Crescent butterfly                                                                                                                         spread of this beautiful but aggressive plant.
        larva feeds on the foliage. The seed heads are attractive and
        last into the winter with small dry seeds that have hair like                                                                                                                      Helenium autumnale, or Sneezeweed, thrives in full sun
        bristles to float on the wind unless the native songbirds eat                                                                                                                      and rich moist soils. It is a clump forming plant and it is
        them first.                                                                                                                                                                        recommended to trim back the plants in early June to reduce
                                                                                                                                                                                           their height and encourage branching. Or, if your deer
        Eutrochium purpureum, or Sweet-Scented Joe Pye Weed,                                                                                                                               population is large, they will do the job for you. Sneezeweed
        thrives in full sun to partial shade and rich fertile moist soils                                                                                                                  received its name because in the past, the leaves and flower
        that do not dry out. The plants can tower at 5-7 feet tall                                                                                                                         head have been dried and crushed to form a type of snuff
        and 2-4 wide, and can create a wonderful background in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (continued on next page))
        meadow, border or woodland landscapes. Joe Pye Weed

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