Page 35 - MNLGA Free State Spring 2024_WEB SPREADS
P. 35

MNLGA Annual Meeting  The MNLGA annual meeting was held

        on the opening Wednesday of MANTS.
        Over 100 members, officers, directors,
        and prospective members attended the
        complimentary breakfast.
        President John Murphy presided over
        his final meeting as President and
        turned the gavel over to Leslie Hunter
        Cario who began her two-year term.
        Outgoing Board members were
        thanked, and incoming members
        recognized. In addition to networking,
        a lot of important association business
        gets covered especially because the
        meeting coincides with the opening of
        the General Assembly in Annapolis.   George Mayo (L), John Murphy (R) with 2023 Professional Achievement Award Winner Rick Watson of the
                                             Perennial Farm
        The Professional Achievement award
        was presented to Rick Watson of the
        Perennial Farm and The John Landon
        Reeve IV Visionary Award went to
        Steve Black of Raemelton Farm. This
        year’s award was hand made by Jerry
        Faulring (see picture below).

        Thank you to everyone who attended
        and helped kick off 2024 with the
        MNLGA in Baltimore. A
 MNLGA Board 2024
 Standing:  John Hyman, Justin Taylor, Renee Quillin, Brett Carmean, Heather Zindash, Clark DeLong
 Seated: Carrie Engel, Patrick Waldt, Leslie Hunter Cario, Alex Betz, John Murphy, Tom Bowman

                                             Incoming Board President Leslie Hunter Cario presents Past President John Murphy a token of appreciation
                                             for his years of service.

                                             Outgoing MNLGA Board President John Murphy   Secretary of Agriculture Kevin Atticks addresses
 John Murphy presents Steve Black of Raemelton Farm with the John Landon Reeve, IV Visionary Award  Over 100 members attended the annual breakfast meeting at MANTS  starts the meeting  the membership

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