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 Babikow Greenhouses has 10 acres
 of production space for annuals
 and perennials in Baltimore, MD.

 to operate the drones in the future.   “Biologicals are a huge part
 Babikow will trial drones this spring.  of what we do,” Tim Babikow
 “Applicator safety is a huge ben-  says. “We use beneficial insects
 efit of drones. You fly them from a   to start our liners — start it
 distance,” Tim Babikow says. “The   clean and keep it clean.”
 way the pesticide is applied, it’s more   Sifleet says the University of
 efficient, effective, and will use less   Maryland Extension has many
 product. There is better control than   educational resources for bio-
 using a human, because different   logical controls, noting that the
 Babikow Greenhouses grows Nassella tenuissima for its
 people have different conceptions of   customers every year.  university has been educating
 how to spray.”  growers on biocontrols for the
 last 15 years. In order to balance potential health concerns
 The Benefits of Biologicals  with chemical pesticides and the need to control pests, such
 Sifleet and Anthony Eversmier, a head grower for perennials   as thrips, Sifleet and Eversmier decided to test biocontrols on
 and propagation, have spearheaded Babikow’s use of biologicals,   their crops. They started with perennial liners, found quick
 a component of its IPM program. The use of biological controls,   success, and kept going.
 such as beneficial insects, over the last eight years has reduced   “The pest level is much lower by using biologicals. The
 the amount of chemical pesticides that the operation has needed   ability to work within the area is increased, because you don’t
 to use.   have to use a re-entry interval (REI) on a regular basis. In other
 words, you don’t need to spray to control
 the problem,” Eversmier says of their
 Customer Service Sets Babikow Apart
 success with biologicals “As the days
 Babikow Greenhouses takes its customer service seriously. President Tim   lengthen, we will continue releasing   Advertising • Brochures
 Babikow says the operation offers next-day delivery most of the year. Aside from   more beneficials. Ninety-eight percent of   Direct Mail • Catalogs
 a few busy weeks in May, if a customer calls in an order by noon one day, it can be   the time, if you choose the proper plant
 delivered by 7 a.m. the following day. Competitors may build a truck, then send   to put them on, you have success.”  Logo Design • Package Design
 the truck out for delivery when it is full. Babikow does not wait to build the truck,   When thinking about the future of   Trade Show & Vehicle Graphics
 and will deliver when the customer needs the product.  Babikow Greenhouses, Tim Babikow says
 Babikow says customers will speak to a live customer service representative   he is excited for another 150 years. High-
 when they call the business, rather than dealing with an automated line and long   quality crops and excellent customer
 hold times. This goes for every department, including production and accounting.  service have sustained the business so
 “That’s the old family business mentality,” Babikow says.  far, and he expects those same values to
 Some of Babikow’s customers like to see the product live, and they will come   propel this family business forward for
 to the greenhouse to select exactly which plants they want. Sifleet says many   many years to come.
 competitors do not allow customers to select their own plants, so this is a benefit   “When I think about what makes
 for customers of Babikow.   Babikow unique, I think about the people
 Babikow Greenhouses also provides a two-hour tour for its customers called   I’m speaking with right now,” Babikow   GREGORY J. CANNIZZARO
 A Growing Experience at Babikow. Customers and prospective customers have   says of his team members. Longstanding
 a behind-the-scenes look at production. The tours are by appointment only and   team members with knowledge, experi-  GRAPHIC  DESIGN
 usually take place during the off season.
 “Educating the customer is just as important as servicing the customer,” Tim   ence, and a tight-knit bond are the    Office: 302-564-7706 • Cell: 443-326-7748
 Babikow says. “We find it is very valuable to educate folks so they know exactly   cornerstone of Babikow Greenhouses
 what goes into growing their plant material. It takes months of planning, produc-  and its ongoing success.   GG
 tion, and growing to get that finished product delivered.”  Julie Hullett is the Senior Editor of Greenhouse

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