Page 53 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2024_WEB
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receives sun most of the day. With the common name
of Creek Sedge, it held up well in dry soils. It also makes
a great rain garden plant as it can handle the seasonal
wetness a rain garden will experience. Carex amphibola
has a broader leaf, reminds me of liriope. Hmmm – maybe
we could reduce our Liriope usage if we planted more
Carex – just a thought.
Other sedges you might want to try as groundcovers
include Carex albicans, Carex appalachica, Carex jamesii,
Carex leavenworthii, Carex plantaginea, Carex rosea,
Carex socialis, and Carex woodii.
Sedges play an important role in the landscape. They
are early to emerge in the spring, and typically refresh
themselves for the fall – they are cool season growers
after all. Deep landscape plugs, trade quarts, and trade
gallons are readily available within the Mid-Atlantic, too.
I’ll leave you with a quote from Monty Don, “The more I
garden the less I know, but the more pleasure I get from Newly planted Carex texensis
it.” Pretty much sums up my experience with sedges, but I
look forward to trying more next year! A
Wendy Brister
Marketing Director
PHOTOS PAGE 52: Cavano’s Perennials, Inc.
TOP: Carex seedling in flagstone patio Kingsville, MD
BOTTOM: Carex radiata 410-592-8077
TOP: Newly planted Carex texensis
BOTTOM: Carex bromoides in fall
Carex bromoides in fall
Membership Matters • WINTER 2024 53